The Peeps are here...some bad news. -UPDATE-I am at a loss...HELP! :o(

I find out about the job middle of this week. Keep those fingers crossed! I am pretty confident I got the job.

About the peeps...4 are still struggling to live. I have them separated from the brood and in a very warm place. Occasionally I check in on them and dip their beaks in water. Should I be doing something else? I don't want them to die but I have no clue as to what else to do? I don't think they are eating...they can barely stand on their feet.

HELP! I HATE feeling so helpless!
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have you tried a few drops of Polyvisol, the infant vitamin supplement? You can get it at any drug store. Good luck and keep us posted.
Gotta go back and read all the posts, but did you try sugar water? I've heard that's a great way to perk them up.

I still have to read this thread though.. so forgive me if I am WAY off base. Just wanted to suggest it in case you hadn't tried.

I will have to make a trip to town tomorrow...hopefully they will have it! Thanks!

Queen of the Lilliputians Yes, I have them on sugar/water solution. I was just wondering if there was something else i should be doing.

I guess just hope for the best.

I can't stand this!
Ok, Pedro, just finished reading the thread.

Wow, this is heartbreaking! I just can't imagine. I'd be a crying mess. I'm so sorry that you've had to go through this.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the rest of your babies (and especially the little ones who are still struggling.). I hope everybody pulls through for you.

one of our pullets wouldn't eat after sustaining severe injuries from a hawk. she was little more than a month old. DD very patiently feed her sugar water with a eye dropper or very small syringe (i think that she might have had something else too from the vet, plus antibiotics).

she would carefully, and gently work one drop in her beak at a time, so that the bird had to swallow. btw, it did take time, patience, and finesse that even amazed the vet (who had given up). i hope your situation becomes easier with your chicks.

good luck. i hope everything works out for the best Pedro.
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Will keep my fingers crossed for the job!

About the peeps: Of the newest batch, will Welp replace the ones that died? Will you get BO's if they do? And can they wait and ship them later this spring?

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