You have wild hedgehogs and people here buy them.
Seriously! - See below ad from the local CraigsList:

I really thought »that must be a joke!« - but its real. People here breed and sell hedgehogs.
Well, that's a bittersweet story... Yes, there are wild hedgehogs around. But we also imported some from another location.

We used to live on the outskirts of a city where there is a wooded hill nearby but also lots of roads and concrete. Our particular house was basically surrounded by cars permanently. Nevertheless one day we woke up to find a momma hedgehog with 6 young in our (very) small garden.

Since at that time we were already quite far in developing the property we live at today, we naturally decided that taking them to the countryside was the best and safest way to proceed.

Once here, instead of enjoying the orchards and meadows, the hedgehogs proceeded to find the one and only road in the neighborhood (probably because of warmth?) and almost the entire family was run over in a single night. :(

But one or two survived. This was I think about 7 years ago. And today we seem to have a happy colony of city-countryside mixed marriage hedgehogs.
Bittersweet indeed! - But with a fairly good end for some hedgehgs at least. I grew up at a very busy road and it was common for us to see roadkill every morning on our way to school. At this time during the 79's/80's nobody cared…
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I can hear peeping from the incubator now, and it doesn't sound like just one duckling either. Small soft sounds like a mouse would make. Day 27.
Now you are in the danger zone: The dux has awaken and starts to hatch its plan to take over the world! They will start with your house…

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