That's what i am fighting against in all of my beds that have not received the grass-clipping treatment:

Weeds overgrowing the Potato plants​

The weeds, especially that bamboo-looking grass is overtaking the potato plants. The tiller won't fit in between the rows, so i must rip that stuff out by hand. Started to cover the bald spots with grass-clippings yesterday evening, but ran out of clippings and daylight.
Using the convenient stretch of dry weather here to work in the garden:

Tilled the squash bed


Planted Buttercup-, Butternut-, Acorn-Squash and long green Cucumber​

I have recently discovered the benefits of using grass-cuttings as mulching material. It keeps the soil moist and suppresses the weeds somewhat. That's the green stuff in the squash-bed.
yes i use grass clippings too! lovely work you have done there !
Thanks for sharing. It's neat that you can sex them young instead of having to wait for what seems ever that I am doing with these Rouen ducks that I have. They sure are cutie pies.
except for when they are not. when I first got three geese three pilgrim geese. I got one yellow gosling and two gray goslings. I thought I was set. Came to find out 10 months later. One of my gray girls was a mister, which tells me the breeder I bought them from messed up the auto sexing jeans somehow, and this is why I still have hope that little Frankie could possibly be female since his aunt marigold turned out to be uncle Mr. Gold. (And then Mr. Gold was rehomed.)
except for when they are not. when I first got three geese three pilgrim geese. I got one yellow gosling and two gray goslings. I thought I was set. Came to find out 10 months later. One of my gray girls was a mister, which tells me the breeder I bought them from messed up the auto sexing jeans somehow, and this is why I still have hope that little Frankie could possibly be female since his aunt marigold turned out to be uncle Mr. Gold. (And then Mr. Gold was rehomed.)
oh and geese are honorary dux so no worries all is well in the quack shack
except for when they are not. when I first got three geese three pilgrim geese. I got one yellow gosling and two gray goslings. I thought I was set. Came to find out 10 months later. One of my gray girls was a mister, which tells me the breeder I bought them from messed up the auto sexing jeans somehow, and this is why I still have hope that little Frankie could possibly be female since his aunt marigold turned out to be uncle Mr. Gold. (And then Mr. Gold was rehomed.)
Sounds like someone did some cross-breeding sometime in the past. I took the biggest yellow and the smallest gray to hopefully increase my chances at a pair.

I have to admit, having them following me around was the sweetest thing ever!!!
Sounds like someone did some cross-breeding sometime in the past. I took the biggest yellow and the smallest gray to hopefully increase my chances at a pair.

I have to admit, having them following me around was the sweetest thing ever!!!
I vividly remember having a tail of fourteen ducklings wagging behind me last year…
I would love to, but i cannot. Seriously! The duck house is already a tad too small and there's four seriously broody hens, sitting on i can only guess 20+ eggs again. I am already measuring a spot for a new, larger duck-house with a new, larger duck-run with the entrance away from the weather side, but wood is so madly expensive. 😭

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