The run and the wallet.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 24, 2014
I am still a newbie here so please bear with me. I have read that 10 sq. ft. per bird is a minimum for run space. My original plan for the run was going to be 8x16 which would have been adequate for my 18 birds. My coop is elevated 18" off of the ground and is 8x12 do I include the space under the coop as run space in my figures? My wallet is begging for mercy on this build and I only have about 3-4 weeks to finish before the girls are ready to move in.


I'm at about $400 right now, I have scrounged, begged, (which by the way doesn't work at Home Depot) and traded to get to this point. The price of the stain is included in the $400.


The shakes were rescued from a bonfire, they weren't in it but they were going to be.
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By the way, I'm not a builder I just have an awesome set of tools.

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