the sultan thread

I got a Genesis 1588 Hovabator for Christmas!!!

You know what that means.....

Hee hee hee. Congratulations!

Here are my youngens, outside for the first time (first time? Oh dear, poor things!) I really can't let them just stay outside without me as there is no protection from above. Today a hawk swooped down quite low, but saw me and decided better of it. My Sultans are.... not very aware of what is going on around them. Anyway, here they are so far:

Anyway, that's Charley there in the back of the pictures with all his women ;) Personally, I don't envy him, even so I'm a woman, I wouldn't want to live in a coop full of em yammer'n away all the time, UGH! LOL.
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Hee hee hee. Congratulations!

Here are my youngens, outside for the first time (first time? Oh dear, poor things!) I really can't let them just stay outside without me as there is no protection from above. Today a hawk swooped down quite low, but saw me and decided better of it. My Sultans are.... not very aware of what is going on around them. Anyway, here they are so far:

Anyway, that's Charley there in the back of the pictures with all his women ;) Personally, I don't envy him, even so I'm a woman, I wouldn't want to live in a coop full of em yammer'n away all the time, UGH! LOL.
WOW! Yours look so much better than mine ever did!

Ivory past away about a week ago.
I cried like a baby and just recently "got over" her death. I did everything I knew to do, and even gave her Corid! She got better with treatment, but we had a slight freeze one night and the next morning, well, she was gone.

I do plan on getting more this spring, but maybe not from Ideal. I still can't get over how good yours look!
What am I doing wrong???
Gosh, I don't know? Until this week, I've been giving them apple cider vinegar (with the mother in it) in their water since they came here. (Knock on wood) I haven't had a sick chick or bird so far, and I'm thinking maybe it helped? I just read about fermenting food, so I'm giving that a try today. It probably won't be ready to feed until Saturday, but I hope it can replace the need for ACV in the water and keep them all healthy. Apparently, fermenting their feed makes it easier to digest, and they get a lot more out of the food that way. So in the end, once they're used to it, they'll eat less (and it also saves money that way) Hope it works!

I *think* they actually ate their black oil sunflower seeds today! First snack I've offered that they've actually gone for! They don't seem to like anything else I've offered them, but of course, they might have simply buried the seeds under their bedding, LOL

I really do hope you try for more Sultans in the spring! They're really fun, and it's already so slow on this thread! I really really really want to keep Charlie, but he's pretty loud, and I've got to figure out how to keep him quiet... Some kind of system where I put him in the house at night or something?? I don't know.... But I wanna keep him!!! (without getting all the neighbors wanting to kill me, LOL)
Gosh, I don't know? Until this week, I've been giving them apple cider vinegar (with the mother in it) in their water since they came here. (Knock on wood) I haven't had a sick chick or bird so far, and I'm thinking maybe it helped? I just read about fermenting food, so I'm giving that a try today. It probably won't be ready to feed until Saturday, but I hope it can replace the need for ACV in the water and keep them all healthy. Apparently, fermenting their feed makes it easier to digest, and they get a lot more out of the food that way. So in the end, once they're used to it, they'll eat less (and it also saves money that way) Hope it works!

I *think* they actually ate their black oil sunflower seeds today! First snack I've offered that they've actually gone for! They don't seem to like anything else I've offered them, but of course, they might have simply buried the seeds under their bedding, LOL

I really do hope you try for more Sultans in the spring! They're really fun, and it's already so slow on this thread!

I really really really want to keep Charlie, but he's pretty loud, and I've got to figure out how to keep him quiet... Some kind of system where I put him in the house at night or something?? I don't know.... But I wanna keep him!!! (without getting all the neighbors wanting to kill me, LOL)
We do ferment our feed, just not the feed I've been giving my chicks. I'll have to give it a try though!

Haha! I know what you mean! I tried to give my Sultans meal worms when they were babies, and they would even get near them! They got snatched up before they even came a foot close.

I really want to get more. They seem like such a great breed.

Here's what I did with one of my roos, I kept him inside at night and until the afternoon then let him outside for a few hours, then took him back in. It seemed to kinda "detour" the crowing.

Sorry for all the colors, just wanted to make sure you knew which sentences I was replying too.
Roosters crow all day once they grow up :\

I'm going to hatch some sultans, polish, and Cochins this spring after I get some practice.
Yah, I know they crow a lot, I just want to keep them from crowing outside until 9AM. I think that's reasonable? Then they're almost always in bed before 9:30 PM, but the big problem is if he is missing from the group for an extended period of time, the other chickens will act as if he is an entirely new chicken and the pecking order will start over again. So, I dunno, can be a real problem... I'm trying to come up with a solution, but haven't thought of anything 100% workable yet???
Yah, I know they crow a lot, I just want to keep them from crowing outside until 9AM. I think that's reasonable? Then they're almost always in bed before 9:30 PM, but the big problem is if he is missing from the group for an extended period of time, the other chickens will act as if he is an entirely new chicken and the pecking order will start over again. So, I dunno, can be a real problem... I'm trying to come up with a solution, but haven't thought of anything 100% workable yet???
I didn't find that with my girls (Silkies). They were extremely happy to see him, and would come running chirping and clucking. But thats just my experience.
Well, that's super good to know, thank you so much SilkiesForEver!

Thanks, I really love Charlie, he's sweet and very silly! I've noticed that my sultans put their heads together a lot, as if they're kissing?!?! I've also noticed that they don't use the roost I gave them. It should be perfectly comfortable. sometimes I see one on it, but they sleep in the shavings all the time. Is that a Sultan thing? If so, I might take it into design consideration for the interior of their coop....

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