the sultan thread

I was given 6 mixed cochin chicks but 1 is a sultan. Right now it looks a whole lot like something out of "Horten Sees a Who". It is full of personality and I kinda like it. I do not know yet if its a hen or cock. It has six toes on one foot. Does this kind of genetic thing happen often and is it a big deal as far as having other changes from the norm? I don't plan to breed it and don't mind one purely pet chicken but don't want an unhealthy miserable bird nor a psychotic one so any knowledge would be helpful. Thanks
I don't think the extra toe will cause any hardships on it. Also, they can get skittish when their crests get so long, they can't see, so trimming it can really help. they can get picked on by other birds, but if they're all hatch mates, it's likely they'll all get along :)

Congratulations, welcome to the Sultan club!
I was given 6 mixed cochin chicks but 1 is a sultan. Right now it looks a whole lot like something out of "Horten Sees a Who". It is full of personality and I kinda like it. I do not know yet if its a hen or cock. It has six toes on one foot. Does this kind of genetic thing happen often and is it a big deal as far as having other changes from the norm? I don't plan to breed it and don't mind one purely pet chicken but don't want an unhealthy miserable bird nor a psychotic one so any knowledge would be helpful. Thanks
yupr, welcome to our madness!!!!!
Tomorrow I am suppose to have help getting pictures. Sent my husband out to take pictures two days ago and he misunderstood my needs all you can see is a multi colored pile of lttle heads and feathers.LOL
I am in an electric wheelchair so my going into their coop or run would be dangerous for them. They all come to my voice but as soon as they see the camera they take off. Tomorrow husband will catch them one by one I will hold them and my friend will take photos. I do feel wecome on this thread even tho I only have one accidental sultan.

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