the sultan thread

Yeah she prefers to sleep with the 4 week old kids in the coop and they sleep in the corner. I am thinking I will keep her,my 2 WC Blue Polish and my Buff Laced Polish in the smaller coop.
Fishnet, your girls are beautiful! They look very similar to my Nugget. It's amazing the differences in all of them.

Maligator- So sorry to hear your Raja isn't feeling well. I hope she perks up soon. It's so frustrating when they don't feel well and you can't figure out what it is. I had to worm one of my BRs a few days ago. She's been having watery poop and I noticed what looked like worms in it the other day. She is the only one in the flock with these symptoms, so I brought her int he house and wormed just her. They are close enough to laying, I didn't want to "contaminate" the whole flock when she's the only one presenting symptoms. Does anyone have experience with this?

Nugget is finally starting to sound like a real chicken, instead of her constant little chick peeps. It amuses me to no end to see her tail feathers wiggle up and down like a lever when she peeps!

Here are a few more pictures from her photo shoot this morning:

You will actually want to worm everyone, because if one has them they all do. I think you have 2 weeks post worming where you don't want to eat their eggs and then they're fine.
Ok, thanks hokankai. Good to know! Nobody's laying yet, so I guess it would be a good time to dot it. I gave Henrietta Wazine 17. Will it be ok for her to have another dose a few days from her last? Also, I see you're in SW Washington. What part? I moved from Olympia down to the Eugene, OR area a few years ago. I was born and raised in Shelton, WA.
People say we should deworm our birds 2 X per year regardless. I haven't done it yet, but plan on starting next winter, if there are no signs of worms before that because they stop laying at that point anyway ;P Then again, right now I have plenty of eggs, so saving up a 2 week supply shouldn't be hard either... Humm, something to think about...

I just talked myself into buying some and doing one flock, then the other, LOL That way I won't ever run out of fresh eggs!
Well, Raja seems okay today. Yesterday she still appeared a little tender on her leg but this morning she seems markedly improved. I'm not sure what is going on with my flock.
Really hoping it is an easy fix, like cocci or something, and NOT something as severe as Mareck's, but I can't get anyone to help on my post I drew up about it yet. Not sure if I should just keep doing what I am doing or what, lol. Guess I will go ahead and do their second deworming dose today and go from there. No eggs from my babies, yet, so I don't need to worry about it. :D
Well, Raja seems okay today. Yesterday she still appeared a little tender on her leg but this morning she seems markedly improved. I'm not sure what is going on with my flock.
Really hoping it is an easy fix, like cocci or something, and NOT something as severe as Mareck's, but I can't get anyone to help on my post I drew up about it yet. Not sure if I should just keep doing what I am doing or what, lol. Guess I will go ahead and do their second deworming dose today and go from there. No eggs from my babies, yet, so I don't need to worry about it. :D

I'm really so sorry, I have almost no experience with sick birds so far, and the one time I did, it was all speculation as to what it was, as I got some meds into them the second I noticed, so for all I know, it was a tummy ache and the meds were unnecessary! LOL. Wish I knew more and could help
I'm really so sorry, I have almost no experience with sick birds so far, and the one time I did, it was all speculation as to what it was, as I got some meds into them the second I noticed, so for all I know, it was a tummy ache and the meds were unnecessary! LOL. Wish I knew more and could help

Same here! This is the first time I've really had outright problems with my flock. Everyone was perfectly fine today, no limping or problems at all. I dewormed everybody because they were due on Thursday (but Roadrunner was sick so I held off) and then I worked around the coop to keep an eye on everyone. They were all happy, healthy birds without any issues at all.
It's so confusing! Lol! Hopefully this will whip them into shape and no more problems. :)

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