the sultan thread


Victoria! It's so funny to see how much alike they look!
Kiaa, your Sultans are GORGEOUS!
I wish I could have a Sultan roo. Those tail feathers are so beautiful and big. I think when we move I'll get some straight run Sultans so I can have one.

How are everyone's babies doing? Nugget is really starting to make "big chicken" noises. She's so loud sometimes! She's alternating between baby bird peeps and loud, deep squawks. I couldn't figure out who was making the noise at first.
Oo, Kiaa, love the pics! Gorgeous birds!

Raja is doing well! :) No other issues. They are all due to be dewormed one last and final time on Monday. I picked up Corid, too, at the local feed store because nobody ever did end up answering my post. I was grasping at straws, and it's good to have on hand, anyway, so if they remain happy and healthy without the weird issues I will just keep it on the shelf. :)

Let's see. Baby sultan trio got to join the flock for real a few days ago. It has been a rough transition for them. I have a LF polish roo who is none too pleased. Their awkward walking and flighty, jerky movements seems to set him off. Most of the other birds tolerate them fine, but I have a cranky buff silkie who loves to chase them. Poor things! They have plenty of places to retreat, though. I moved my new silkie babies out into the coop in a grow out pen. I was hoping to add the sultan trio to their bunch so they had a larger crowd to mingle in buuuut the suspected roo (Zanzibar) is a bit of a jerk. He picked up a silkie baby who dared eyeball him and laid the smack down. Obviously can't have that, so they get to deal with the big chickens. Raja seems to be taking to them, though. At least I hope she is. They finished out their body feathers and are working on their hats. :p

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