the sultan thread

I just love my sultans. They are just SO chatty it's adorable! I held each of the juvies this morning and I just talking to them and having them chatter back to me.

Here's Jasmine being chatty, but the juvies are even more talkative!
Aww, I wish Raja would cuddle with me! She seems much more at ease around me since she was sick that one time. She is also a chatty cathy, just talk talk talk talk talk talk talk. Between her and a buff polish I have, they just jibber jabber up a storm, lol!
I wish I knew what they were saying... just so adorable. Hey, I have not heard much about how they lay? I know they are slow to mature, but being a newbie to Sultans, will they actually lay many eggs? I may have found my 'breed'. I just love them SOOOOOO much!!!
I wish I knew what they were saying... just so adorable. Hey, I have not heard much about how they lay? I know they are slow to mature, but being a newbie to Sultans, will they actually lay many eggs? I may have found my 'breed'. I just love them SOOOOOO much!!!
Jasmine actually lays really well for an ornamental bird! I get at least 4-5 eggs a week from her and have had as many as an egg a day.

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