the sultan thread

Aww, sorry Jharper. That really sucks! :( I remember when one of my buff silkies went missing and I was in the dark with a headlight strapped to my head, crying in circles trying to find her, lol. I can laugh about it now but at the time I was devastated that one of my babies just up and vanished. Still have no clue what got her. Either one of my dogs, a snake, a cat, who knows.

I have them completely separate right now and fenced off from the rest but the larger boogers, who are Polish, have suddenly decided they will take up roosting on the sides of the wall I built out of 1x2's and netting. :p Silly birds! Mine are rather fearless and just hopped in with the small guys and crashed their party, lol! I had to pull one of the baby sultans out of there in the middle of the night when I went to check on them. My Polish tend to be pretty good with birds their own size, but they can be buttheads to smaller ones. Right now I have a batch of silkies out of the grow out pen who are free in the coop who seem rather traumatized, haha.I may build them a small section to nestle down into so they are more comfortable overnight. With the brooder light on they tend to be a bit more active during the night.

The baby Polish are teeny! I just worry since they are not right here in front of me in the house. They LOVE it out there, though! I gave them all giant crickets and all of the birds had a blast chasing them down and playing keep away. The sultans, as usual, were completely oblivious. I think Raja may have snagged one finally but the baby sultan trio could have cared less. Zanzibar, my little rooster boy is starting to come around, though! He lets me pick him up and will walk around my feet without freaking out at all. He is quite the character! The girls are still shy and flighty. Hoping they come around. :) I find Raja with them often, too, which makes me happy since I got the trio to keep her company.
My Crevecoeur pullet (another crested old breed) will not give up being broody, so I finally have given in and gave her 6 bantam Sultan eggs. I have no idea who laid them, or how fertile they are as Charlie isn't with them that much, but hopefully one or two will hatch and satisfy my pullet, so she can get back to work laying!!! She's been at this for 6 weeks and won't give up though I keep kicking her out of the nest! Ugh!

Now watch her give up and not set these eggs, LOL.
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My Crevecoeur pullet (another crested old breed) will not give up being broody, so I finally have given in and gave her 6 bantam Sultan eggs.  I have no idea who laid them, or how fertile they are as Charlie isn't with them that much, but hopefully one or two will hatch and satisfy my pullet, so she can get back to work laying!!!  She's been at this for 6 weeks and won't give up though I keep kicking her out of the nest!  Ugh!

Now watch her give up and not set these eggs, LOL. 

I am a pro when it comes to breaking broodies. I just broke a banty Cochin AND a silkie in the same week. 5 in total this year with one going broody TWICE
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Whew! So glad I don't have any broodies, yet! Lol! With the amount of silkies I have, it's bound to happen eventually, but nobody is laying yet so I am enjoying it while I can. ;)

Good news, guys! The three baby sultans have finally fully integrated in with the "big kids"!
Last night I found them snuggled up next to Tennille and Sherry. Cutest thing ever! They still pick on the baby silkies but they no longer run for the hills any time someone in the flock sneezes, lol. :) So happy! Zanzibar will now eat out of my hand. He is quite the character, and for a while there I thought one of the suspected girls was going pink, hinting to a male, but they are both pale again. Hoping for just ONE sultan rooster!
I'm just worried because this girl is at the bottom of the pecking order, and I fear that when the chicks hatch, they'll be attacked. However, the hen that is at the top of the pecking order hatched a bunch of Creves for me and they've been living with the others with no problems. It might work out unless her status is such that she can't protect the babies.
Sorry I have missed all of this, we are busy trying to sell our house so we can get a house with some acreage.

Jharper- I am so sorry your baby went missing. :(
Sorry I have missed all of this, we are busy trying to sell our house so we can get a house with some acreage.

Jharper- I am so sorry your baby went missing. :(

Thanks. Maybe I can find some good quality ones instead of hatchery birds. I plan on going to a MAJOR chicken swap next week.

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