the sultan thread

IM GOING TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE AN ORIGINAL POST. JUST REALIZED I POSTED THIS ON SOMEONE ELSES. IM OLD BUT I WILL LEARN. SORRY FOLKS. Meet Omelette and Yolkie Ono. We bought These two goofballs at our local farm store. They were in the Polish crested bin. Well, we got them home and noticed the extra toe and feathered feet….Silkie of course. As a week or two Goes by, and since we got these two for our granddaughters 4H project, and because they had done a lot of research on their little chicks they said, no way. But what are they G~Ma? I posted on here what are they? And of course they're beautiful lovely white sultans. Omelette is the little girl, she's kind of feisty. And then we have Yolkie Ono, Who is normally very laid-back… Mellow. Yolkie Loves to be held and frequently snuggles in Your arms to take frequent afternoon naps.
We suspected Yolkie just might be a little Roo from the very beginning. So we were not surprised yesterday when he did his first cock-a-doodle-doo. It's a funny little cock-a-doodle-doo but he's proud of it, so proud that he just will not stop! Yeah Ole Yolkie, he has transformed in one day from calm and mellow napping bird to feisty ,chest out full of himself Roo!
Our main flock are of course widebodied girls and we love them to pieces. They are very interested in these funny little feathered things. They've had their Roo nefore. A beautiful 19# pound jersey giant who we had to re home (he was just too much for them) we even have one of our hens, Harlot, who 4 months after Emu is still wearing her apron in an attempt to re grow her back feathers. But truthfully, They have been a little lost ever since Emu left us.
I adore Roos and I adore these little Sultans.
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Haven't had much to report lately. :) Zanzibar is a little explorer. He is adventurous and inquisitive and so unlike the two girls. I often find him off on his own with the big chickens, pecking away and getting into things. Raja is doing great! I am thinking of clipping back her leg feathers. She keeps tripping all over herself and then panics or starts yelling. While it's kind of humorous, I feel a bit bad for her.

She has been trying to roost, so tonight I went out and put both her and a polish pullet on the actual roosts in the coop to see if I can get them accustomed to flying up there. When I went out to check on them a bit later, both were still there. :) Raja still stays by herself most times, but she has slowly been hanging with the baby silkies and the two baby sultan girls. That makes me happy. :) Now she has company!

We're going through a heat wave here. It poured rain earlier in the week and now it's going into the 100'.s which is giving us unusual humidity. I like to call it torture. It completely sucks. :( I picked up a cheapie fan today at Target and put it in the coop overnight to try to help cool it down. At 9pm it was still in the 90's. Ugh! I have been looking into a mobile air conditioner/cooler to put into the coop, though. I may still invest in one next month but it would require some DIY on the coop. We'll see. :) Always an option. It would be nice to keep the coop cool but not sure how much use it would get if they are outside a lot or something.

For now just keeping the run sprayed down. I have the mister, a fan in the coop, and I picked up another big bag of frozen veg for them to peck at. If the fan keeps air moving through the coop and keeps it cool, I may put blocks of ice in there to help.
Gosh, and I thought you all had awesome weather up there!! We had 103 yesterday and today we're supposed to get 105. I did build my coops under a large tree that shades them, other than that, they get nothing else. They can go under the coop, or outside in the speckled shade. I really hope they live through this summer! They have to or I'll have to choose a different breed to raise

I should maybe try picking the girls up and placing them on the roost at night, that's a good idea! Only one of them, Marilyn, will actually hop on to the roost, and only when I'm using it to dish out food so she can steal some, LOL. I don't want them getting mites or anything from laying on the floor all the time... Ugh!
We were having fabulous weather for a while there! :) The chickens loved it! It was warm with a delicious breeze and chilly at night. Perfect in all ways and then we got this wacky storm that kind of kicked everything into a tailspin.

This morning I woke up early to kick the girls out of the coop and clean a bit. I found Raja still on the perch, waddling about and attempting to figure out how to get down. I laughed and laughed! Poor girl! She has really poor depth perception, lol! The fan didn't seem to cool down the coop too well last night so I hope it works today a little better. :( Warm when moving around but it's not bad in the shade chilling out. Raja was already panting in the coop, nestled into the shavings. Can't wait for this heat wave to be over!

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