the sultan thread

Olivesmama, I hate dealing with rooster issues, although it looks like you've found a perfect solution. It is always sad though
It's not worth it to keep one around if they are causing problems. Slippers our sultan roo, has been very mild mannered and sweet to the girls. He's always calling them over to tasty things he's found and herding them inside when there are hawks around.. I hope he stays that way, I just love him so much. Our last rooster was horrible, nothing worked with him. Finally someone wanted him (he was beautiful) so we got rid of him.

Fishnet I hope Izzy is feeling better soon!

Cluck-cluck, I'm trying to decide the same thing about worming. My great uncle used to be the "flock manager" around here and he decided everything, but now it's up to me since he has passed away. He used to just worm on an as needed basis, since we always watch them very closely. But I've been hearing a lot about how it's good to do it once or twice a year, but I'm not sure if I feel comfortable giving them meds when they might not need it, messing up their internal balance. Just not sure what I'm going to do yet.

We just lost one of our golden comets this morning.. she had an impacted gizzard. She's always been the one eating weird things.. and it caught up with her. So sad.. she was so sweet.
Fishnet- Glad you got it figured out with Izzy. How much is it to send a sample in and did you have to go through the vet to do it?

CedarAcres- Sorry to hear about losing a chicken. :( So far, the rooster hasn't been performing his duties. He doesn't help them find food and I've seen him run from cats that get in the yard! Big Ethel, my Barred Rock is the head hen. I think they will be just fine without a rooster.

I put Nugget back with her flock just before dark last night. She seemed anxious to get back to them. As soon as I opened the gate, she ran under the dog house and was shrieking so loud. Nobody was chasing her. The rest of the flock just stopped and watched her. She did come out and go into the coop first. I got out there first thing this morning and she was the only one still in there. I think she's been getting picked on for a while and she's just dealing with it by hiding. I noticed my little Buff Orpington was hiding today too. They have places to go where the bigger chickens can't get to them. I think until the rooster is gone in 2 weeks, I'll keep Nugget on the other side of the fence to keep her safe, the take her to the coop at night. Princess treatment, I know!
I can, actually. Nugget is a loner anyway and I figured she would be easier to isolate. I put the rooster in the other yard and moved Nugget back in with the girls. When I did this, the Wyandotte hen went after Nugget. Can I re-establish pecking order by removing the Wyandotte hen? I'd seen her go after Nugget with the rooster, but figured she was joining in and not part of the problem. She attacked Nugget without the rooster present...
My plan of isolating the Wyandottes worked beautifully, until it started to get dark and the FREAKED out about not being able to get to the coop. Whoa. I put them back in with the others to roost and will separate them again in the morning. Ideas?
Gosh, I really don't know, but maybe if they are kept outside long enough, they won't feel like they "own" the yard anymore? It's hard though, because, like my Belina who is a Crevecoeur, another top hat, always had a hard time with the leghorns. Right now, she is in a separate coop with chicks because she became broody, but I'm worried about what will happen when she has to go back in her old coop? I also now have a baby sultan, will the grown girls be nice to him/her? I'm worried about all that too!
Do you have a way of isolating them in the house? We have a big brooder (like 22 sqft) that I'll put them in if we need to isolate anyone. They don't usually get freaked out inside.Or can you put a small dog crate inside the coop for them at night? I have noticed that if I put one bird back in after she had an injury or whatever, it takes a few days for them to stop chasing & picking on her again. As long as she's not getting hurt then I leave them all together and let them work it out, as much as I hate it.
So I thought this was cute... I posted this video about a month ago of our rooster just learning to crow. He sounded so pitiful but cute at the same time:

And here he is a month later, sounding much better!

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