the sultan thread

I don't know if it would work for you, but a lot of people order through their local feed store, especially in Spring, when they order?? Maybe you can have them order some for you?

Anyway, my baby, now named Schmetterling (Butterfly in German) and s/he is so SPOILED! But extremely sweet

Please let her be a girl!!!
Hi guys! Long time no talk! My laptop has been on the fritz so I haven't been online as much. :)

Just wanted to update you on my kids!

I for sure have a roo and two pullets now! Zanzibar has been trying to crow for a few weeks now which is pretty hilarious. :) Bali and Morocco are just as silly as Raja and now all four Sultans snuggle together all the time! I love how they have more of a honk or chuckle compared to my other birds. I finally ended up trimming their leg feathers and some of their beard/pouf to make it a touch easier on them. They kept tripping over their feet all the time (lol) when they stepped on their leg feathers.

SOMEBODY started laying! I'm not sure if it's a Sultan or if it's a Polish or Silkie but woohoo! I got my first egg a few days ago and it appears Sultan sized! :)
Fishnet- Glad you got it figured out with Izzy. How much is it to send a sample in and did you have to go through the vet to do it?

CedarAcres- Sorry to hear about losing a chicken. :( So far, the rooster hasn't been performing his duties. He doesn't help them find food and I've seen him run from cats that get in the yard! Big Ethel, my Barred Rock is the head hen. I think they will be just fine without a rooster.

I put Nugget back with her flock just before dark last night. She seemed anxious to get back to them. As soon as I opened the gate, she ran under the dog house and was shrieking so loud. Nobody was chasing her. The rest of the flock just stopped and watched her. She did come out and go into the coop first. I got out there first thing this morning and she was the only one still in there. I think she's been getting picked on for a while and she's just dealing with it by hiding. I noticed my little Buff Orpington was hiding today too. They have places to go where the bigger chickens can't get to them. I think until the rooster is gone in 2 weeks, I'll keep Nugget on the other side of the fence to keep her safe, the take her to the coop at night. Princess treatment, I know!

My regular vet is not an avian vet, so it cost me $110 to send the same out to a parasitetologist (sp?) and 5 days later when I got the results back of tapeworm, it cost me $12.00 for Strongid wormer. More than I wanted to spend, but I have been trying to identify these little buggers for 2 years now.

Today now 'Toria is not seeming to feel well. I was out of town for 2 days and come home to her being really lethargic and sleepy and not right. My Mom was taking care of them for me while I was gone and didn't notice anything. I felt around on here looking for any kind of injury and found her skin by her feathers to be almost like a bruised color? I am hoping my rooster did not try and 'get with it' with her. He is too big and would crush her. He has never even given her any notice, so I figured I was safe. I brought her into the house, gave her some vitamins and electrolytes. (she is drinking good, and picked at her food). Her eyes are closed and she is just not a happy camper. Cross your fingers.

Maybe they are not feeling well from the wormer they got on Tuesday afternoon. or from the Coccidiosis stuff the vet had me get them all on.?
Just as a warning, your rooster WILL eventually try and mount her. My huge Buff Orpington rooster used to LOVE my bantam cochin before I moved her in with the bantams. Generally if a rooster has access too a group of hens they will all be fertilized.

Not sure about the bruising unfortunately :\
Aww, Fishnet. How old is she? It might be that he has just started to "notice" her and tried mounting her the first time while you were away. My worry would be any internal bruising/bleeding. If it's just a minor bruise on the surface she should be okay, but if it's a deeper bruise then I'm not sure how to handle it. Sending positive healing energy your way!

Our vet is actually an avian vet and she does all the samples in house for only $10, but I know they are hard to find. She treats all sorts of exotic animals too so its fun to see what's in the waiting room.
I am not sure what is going on now. The next morning 'Toria was fine, and she is still fine. back to 100%. BUT little 'Izzy started doing the same thing and it has been 2 days on her. Lethargic, sleepy, watery poop. I finished with the Albon antibiodic the vet gave me for Cocci and put them back on regular water thinking maybe she got too much of it, but I dont know. Just waiting it out. I got some yogurt down her yesterday and she will still KILL for a tomatoe, so just cross my fingers.

Thanks everyone.

here she is last night. Fell asleep on my lap. She just seems exhausted!

Fishnet- Happy to hear Toria is doing better!

I still don't know what to do about Nugget getting picked on. The Willy Roo is going in the freezer in about a week and a half, but I'm still seeing the other Wyandotte pick at her. Nugget is staying in the coop until it gets too hot, then hiding under the dog house. I jokingly told my husband we could get a giant bird cage and turn her into a house chicken! She could pass as a parrot, right?

She's friendlier than she's ever been. She runs up to me and circles my feet peeping. She falls asleep snuggled up to me every time I pick her up now. Who knew she'd become such a sweet chicken? It's hard to believe she used to run from me shrieking if I got near her. I've noticed all of my chickens becoming more tame as they mature. All the layers let me pick them up now with no problems. I won't make any changes until I see how everything shakes out once the rooster is gone. I'm thinking about putting the other Wyandotte in the freezer or giving her away. Sigh. Chicken problems!

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