the sultan thread

I cut Nugget's feathers around her eyes today, to see if that would help. She hasn't hid since and seems happy! Maybe she was paranoid because she couldn't see? She's such a pretty girl. I couldn't get a pic of her face.

if it's at all possible, you could build a second chicken coop and run and put her in with some other chickens that are docile like she is? But that's another expense.... I have my sultans away from everyone else, as they'd just get beat up. My Crevecoeurs are a bit timid and get bossed around by the leghorns, but they're big enough to defend themselves. I am a little worried about reintroducing my one Creve girl back to the flock because she's been raising chicks, but won't be needed anymore in 2 more weeks... so I'll be putting her back in with the other creves and leghorns again...
I wish I had room to do this. I have a separate fenced area for the chickens, with a short fence and gate between that leads to our yard. I put Nugget over there during the day for a few days, but she beat herself up on the fence trying to get back to the coop at night. If I had more room, I would keep the Silke and Sultan in a separate area.
Yah, I know, it's hard :( I hope it all works out eventually!
I'm really sorry your boy has to go :(
We're working on getting property. Our house has been up for sale since June and we're wanting acreage. I want more chickens and to start a breeding program.

More craziness out in the chicken yard today. The "rooster" climbed into the nesting box and sang an egg song. What in the.... No egg, but I expect one tomorrow. I was completely blown away that he turned out to be a she. She's very large compared to the other Wyandotte and got waddles and a comb a long time ago. She's also darker and has almost not golden laced feathering compared to the other hen. I thought for sure roo, but I guess not.
When I looked up roosters in the nesting box, that's what I found too. The rooster will show the girls that the nesting box is a good place to lay if one is about ready. I posted pics in the GLW thread and someone showed me a pic of that a rooster looks like. Mine looks nothing like a rooster, compared. He/she is just so different looking than the hen, is larger, and got waddles and a comb much earlier. This is my first flock, so I'm still figuring things out.

Hen on top, rooster? on bottom:



Rooster? left, hen right:
Looks like a hen with thick lacing to me. I don't see any pointed saddle/hackle feathers, but if you can get a picture like this it would confirm :)


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