the sultan thread

When I looked up roosters in the nesting box, that's what I found too. The rooster will show the girls that the nesting box is a good place to lay if one is about ready. I posted pics in the GLW thread and someone showed me a pic of that a rooster looks like. Mine looks nothing like a rooster, compared. He/she is just so different looking than the hen, is larger, and got waddles and a comb much earlier. This is my first flock, so I'm still figuring things out.
Hen on top, rooster? on bottom: Rooster? Rooster? Rooster? left, hen right:
I would say both are hens.
It must be laying time because my sultan Genevieve has been eyeing the nests too! Her hatch mate just started laying tiny green eggs a few days ago so it's about time :).

My poor sultans girls have BOTH broken a blood feather in the last two days. I don't know what they're breaking them on, but once the new coop arrives it shouldn't be a problem. There's a lot of dried blood on the wood :'(. I put Quik Stop and Blue Kote on them so each one has a purple foot. LOL
Hello Sultan Fans,

I have been enjoying this thread so I thought I would say hello. I am going for colored sultans and have my first mix. She is a red polish and daddy is a sultan. I saw that Kiaa has some photos a while back of some chicks that look kinda like the pic below. I am wondering if any one has any ideas on what these cuties will look like.
If you see this kiaa, could you post some of yours that are like this as adults? Thanks and nice to meet everyone

Picture does not show feet but they are feathered in yellow and brown like the wings. I am wondering if this will turn red after the first molt?

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