the sultan thread




A week ago my beautiful sultan Frankie was killed by my daughters puppy. I was devastated. The guy that sold her to me offered to give me a new sultan. For which I was very grateful. So while I was there today picking up my new girl. I decided to buy her a friend. A baby sultan of approximately 5 weeks or so. Well anyway. Upon looking at her more closely after getting her home and bathed. I noticed a bit of a beak malformation that is different from both my previous sultan and the new older one I was given today. Her top and bottom beak match up instead of having the top beak hook over her bottom beak. It still has a hook on it. It's just much shorter than the other birds. Can I fix this for her? If so how? If not. Will it interfere with her eating as she gets older and her beak grows?
I'm so sorry for your loss!! Dogs don't know what they're doing - I lost one that way, also. As far as your new one's beak goes, hopefully it won't interfere with eating &, if not, I wonder if a vet could periodically trim it. I'll be waiting to see others' responses to your post.
RIP, Frankie :(
Thank you so much. I loved Frankie so much! She had a big piece of my heart. After her, I did not feel I could live without a Sultan in my life. They are truly very special birds. :) I do hope my new one beak will straighten out.
I'm glad you have another little Sultan, and she is also fortunate to have a compassionate owner who accepts her imperfection rather than rejecting her. Looking forward to seeing lots of photos!
I know what you mean about how special these birds are - Mavis has become such a precious part if our family and I can only hope we'll find her a companion (with white fluffy feathers) soon.
We have a hen that has some issues getting around, but she is super sweet. So father babies are sweet as well. We have one named Bubbles that just loves to be pet and talked to. I can't imagine not having Sultans now that we do. They really are one of the sweetest and funniest chickens we have ever had.


Here are the two new girls. I decided to name them Freya and Frigg after two Norse goddesses. The big one is Freya, little one Frigg. They are a bit anxious today adjusting to their new home. Not wanting to be handled a great deal. Hopefully they will calm down in a few days once they realize they have a good home. I thought it sort of wèird also that they acted like they didn't know what grass was or what to do with it. My other chickens are showing them the ropes. As they decided to introduce themselves befire I was ready as I left my garage door open when I went in the house for a bit. Oh well. They seem to be getting along much better than I anticipated. Hans which is good. Maybe they know the came from the same farm. Just at different times.

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