the sultan thread

I keep my sultans in the house ( only have two sweet girls). The rest of my flock always pecks at them. They are so docile and tame that they are easy targets for my other hens. You mind to get your sultans their own place to hang out. I don't think they do well with the regular hens because of their very docile nature. They are the sweetest girls. Mine like to hang out my lap in the evening.
Thank you but Meyers, only sells babies I am looking for around 4 to 5 month old sultan hens.

I just have 3 Sultans together & they seem to get along fine, no pecking (got the original Sultan,Mavis, because her feathers had been pecked & she wasn't show worthy) - just wondering if anyone with only-sultan flocks have any problems with pecking? I know they's always a pecking order, but sometimes more aggressive ?
We have a sultan rooster and 1 hen. We would like to buy two hens. Any suggestions? We live in the Twin Cities, MN
Can any one be able to answer my question I have to male Rooster Sultans and they are mean are they usually like this? I had them since babies and always have be gentle and tender with them.

Looking to buy hatching eggs
I have a court order to move my roo from city limits (they will be fostered during appeal) but I still have 7 days to go.
Our hen is not your typical (poor layer as said about sultans') she averages 5/6 eggs weekly.
the only immediate problem being, that she just finished a pretty hard molt and hasn't laid in 11 days.
I'm hoping she will roll one out this way soon

How many did you have in mind?
The lady fostering my pair might be able to help you as well:)
Where do you live?
I'm in the Pacific Northwest...Oregon.

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