the sultan thread

Yay I hope a little pullet, I already have a rooster for my mixed bantam flock

The sultan roosters are very calm. I've kept four roosters and only five hens together and everything was calm! Well, until the brahmas turned on me, but the sultans stayed buddies and kept the flock safe! You can keep them in small spaces and they'll be happy, with only a small amount of hens, but as long as you give them the needed space and good food they'll be happy! Heck, I'd keep them as house pets if I ended up with one rooster!
Yay I hope a little pullet, I already have a rooster for my mixed bantam flock :)

The sultan roosters are very calm. I've kept four roosters and only five hens together and everything was calm! Well, until the brahmas turned on me, but the sultans stayed buddies and kept the flock safe! You can keep them in small spaces and they'll be happy, with only a small amount of hens, but as long as you give them the needed space and good food they'll be happy! Heck, I'd keep them as house pets if I ended up with one rooster!

I've heard there awesome birds...
My thing is my neighbor is a real squrge and when I first for back into chickens he complained and complained and made it hard on me so I gave up a roooster. It broke my heart so then I got more chicks and ended up with 9 roosters. But I was in Love with 3 of them and said screw it I'm keeping them. I live in the country I can have roosters if my neighbor doesn't like it ol well do,r live in the country. So now my neighbor does not speak to us. :) but I have 3 roosters a 9lb splash cochin and big splash wyandotte and a serama rooster that's the! I'm building a New coop this spring and. Putting all my standards in one co-op and keeping my Bantams in The coop I already have. And I'm giving my cochin to a friend starting her own flock. So long lo,g story over lol, I only want 2 roosters witch is why I'm hoping this little sultan "snow" is a pullet# :) sorry I got to rambling :)
I've heard there awesome birds...
My thing is my neighbor is a real squrge and when I first for back into chickens he complained and complained and made it hard on me so I gave up a roooster. It broke my heart so then I got more chicks and ended up with 9 roosters. But I was in Love with 3 of them and said screw it I'm keeping them. I live in the country I can have roosters if my neighbor doesn't like it ol well do,r live in the country. So now my neighbor does not speak to us.
but I have 3 roosters a 9lb splash cochin and big splash wyandotte and a serama rooster that's the! I'm building a New coop this spring and. Putting all my standards in one co-op and keeping my Bantams in The coop I already have. And I'm giving my cochin to a friend starting her own flock. So long lo,g story over lol, I only want 2 roosters witch is why I'm hoping this little sultan "snow" is a pullet#
sorry I got to rambling

I would never let some neighbor control what chickens I keep. I'd just be like "You can move if you want! I don't care!" :p But they are lovely. Just make sure you give him to a loving home if it's a male! They tend to be timid so giving them to kids isn't recommended unless they like breed them or something. But sultans are fragile and timid but also sweet, so in the hands of a responsible, mature, bird loving grown up, they'll be safe. And please do not sell him for Easter, he will die because kids don't know how to take care of them much. I mean, how many kids will get one chick and give it the proper care it needs? I haven't seen one yet. But I just hope you can keep him as a house pet! Get him a halter and take him on walks, he'll be happy!
I've heard there awesome birds...

My thing is my neighbor is a real squrge and when I first for back into chickens he complained and complained and made it hard on me so I gave up a roooster. It broke my heart so then I got more chicks and ended up with 9 roosters. But I was in Love with 3 of them and said screw it I'm keeping them. I live in the country I can have roosters if my neighbor doesn't like it ol well do,r live in the country. So now my neighbor does not speak to us. :) but I have 3 roosters a 9lb splash cochin and big splash wyandotte and a serama rooster that's the! I'm building a New coop this spring and. Putting all my standards in one co-op and keeping my Bantams in The coop I already have. And I'm giving my cochin to a friend starting her own flock. So long lo,g story over lol, I only want 2 roosters witch is why I'm hoping this little sultan "snow" is a pullet# :) sorry I got to rambling :)

I would never let some neighbor control what chickens I keep. I'd just be like "You can move if you want! I don't care!" :p But they are lovely. Just make sure you give him to a loving home if it's a male! They tend to be timid so giving them to kids isn't recommended unless they like breed them or something. But sultans are fragile and timid but also sweet, so in the hands of a responsible, mature, bird loving grown up, they'll be safe. And please do not sell him for Easter, he will die because kids don't know how to take care of them much. I mean, how many kids will get one chick and give it the proper care it needs? I haven't seen one yet. But I just hope you can keep him as a house pet! Get him a halter and take him on walks, he'll be happy!

Trust me I am sn advice amimal, lover I have 7 dogs 5 horses my chickens, rabbits fish cats, I love love love animals. I even rescue worms off the sidewalks and put them back in grass. More then likely I'm already to attached to the little one even if it's male and he will probably be going in with my serama roo. But if I did tehome home the little one he would go yo a very very good home trust me or to my parents farm. None of our chickens are meat birds just eggs and pets, mostly pets lol :) we take out calmest chickens to church festivals and daycare and schools to show kids and let them be hands on with chickens. Most of the kids in schools around here have never seen a chicken much less touched one! I'm still hopping for s pullet but if he is a roo he will either stay with me or find a very very good home!
Trust me I am sn advice amimal, lover I have 7 dogs 5 horses my chickens, rabbits fish cats, I love love love animals. I even rescue worms off the sidewalks and put them back in grass. More then likely I'm already to attached to the little one even if it's male and he will probably be going in with my serama roo. But if I did tehome home the little one he would go yo a very very good home trust me or to my parents farm. None of our chickens are meat birds just eggs and pets, mostly pets lol
we take out calmest chickens to church festivals and daycare and schools to show kids and let them be hands on with chickens. Most of the kids in schools around here have never seen a chicken much less touched one! I'm still hopping for s pullet but if he is a roo he will either stay with me or find a very very good home!

I think I want to ask my teacher if I could do some "Bring a chicken to school" thing for nature. Like their structure, how long it takes to form a egg, and how useful they are! But it'd have to be really tame, and Cleopatra's not for holding:p. It's nice having trusting farms with people you trust so you can give them your unwanted animals lol.
If I got one male...I'd beg mom and dad to let me keep him inside
Lol my husbsnd said NO to inside chickens lol. I have 3 inside dogs already and that hid max lol do I guess I understand :)

LOL that's why I want to have indoor chickens BEFORE I get married, so they have to stay!
Wow I just read what I wrote and you'd think I'd been sinking, but I'm not lol! I'm glad you were able to figure out what I was trying to say :)

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