the sultan thread

Here's a couple new pictures. Still no red on the beak so that's good. :)

Hanging out with his polish and silkie buddies


He poses and sits still when I take pictures lol
She is wonderful!
We live in WI & I've been thinking the same thing. Wouldn't it be fun if others interested would participate in an Eggschange? We could send each other fertile eggs in time for next year's Hatch-a-long & see where it goes! If no one else is interested, I'd be happy to send you fertile eggs. Our rooster took Reserve Champion at the fair & mama got a blue ribbon (their son also took Reserve Champion of the Junior Fair:) )
I'd just ask you to reimburse me for postage. If others participate, though, it could be an even exchange & I'd send some to you at No charge.
MavisMama I'd love to buy some eggs from you if/when available. I have 3 unknown sex sultans right now out of Brooksville FL eggs. They are only 3-4 months old but when they do lay (lawd help me if I end up with all 3 being roosters) I'd be more than happy to add eggs to a egg exchange.

Sorry they are not great pictures :) they do follow me around, 2 at least. 1 is more independent but 2 are like little puppies.
We think we will sell off the polish and stick with just sultans and maybe the mille fleur. I love the polish, don't get me wrong.. there's too many roosters though and they are a bit more stubborn than the Sultans when it's time to go home at night and have the door closed. We just love the sultans and think they are so comical and sweet. I'm hoping I have 1 roo and 2 girls
Does anyone in Northwest Alabama have any bantam Sultans for sale.

Well, I live in central KY and I have plenty of Sultans for sale and I will be traveling to Muscle Schoals Sunday...Is that close? If so, MAYBE we can work something out...I'll send pm as well...
Hi, I just found this thread. I tried starting my own on sultans but after 2 weeks no one has posted, but now I know why! LOL
i'll join this one instead. :)
I have one sultan, a cockerel named bubbles. he has saddle featheres and will stand up straight like a roo and flap his wings, but there is no crowing! how long does it take on average for sultans to crow? he is 5 months old. Thanks!
I love my little sultan roo 'Kramer'. He started crowing at around 19 weeks (thought he was a pullet). He also stands up & flaps his wings before he crows - so cute! He crowed everyday several times a day for 2.5 weeks and suddendly the past two days hasn't crowed at all.

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