the sultan thread

We had a cross beak sultan. He was an amazing chicken and by far the friendliest of all, but he couldn't eat on his own after several months and was slowly starving to death. We could have crop fed him and discussed doing that since we both loved him so much, but we thought that overly traumatic to do daily for the rest of his life. So we decided to try a debeaking, it was either that or to cull. And neither of us could do that to him. The debeaking was gawd awful terrible to do, and most likely hurt us nearly as much, but he did really well after that and the cauterizing. He could finally eat somewhat like a normal chicken. But I think in the end his overall weakness got him. The debeaking gave him several more months of a good life and he was able to join the flock and be a chicken, which made us really happy. He died about 6 months old, he never was a hearty boy, but we think he had a great life, even if short. He got lots of mealworm treats and he would sit in my lap, willingly coming to me and hopping up. I'd preen him and give him lots of love. When he had enough he'd jump down and join the flock.

My hen Flossy is his egg mate, so I have special affection for her too. I keep marking her eggs and hoping one day she throws a chick which has his overall look and height(he would have been a large boy), but be a healthy rooster.
Here's CB before his beak got too bad, since it hooked more and more as he got older, and another with a more mature CB after his beak job. It wasn't pretty.

I've had two cross beaks born out of my eggs from my old rooster. Both were also missing a eye and I had my husband cull them. I couldn't grow that attached again like I did to CB, would have broke my heart to loose them. Thankfully with the new rooster I have not seen that defect! My avatar is baby CB, you can see he did not have much of a cross beak at hatch. I never imagined it would get as bad as it did.

I don't mean to discourage you from keeping your crossbeak. Some people have a lot of luck with feeding them mash or wet foods, and most will not get a hook like my CB did. If not for that hook in his beak he may have been just fine. Just be prepared for the future, you may have to crop feed by tube or make special foods for your crossbeak. Mine broke my heart, but only after filling it full of love and not a day goes by that I do not miss him. He taught me just how awesome chickens, and sultans in particular can be.
I have a crossbeak Salmon Faverole. She is about 8 weeks now. She is a feed store chick, didnt even notice anything till about a week old. Its pretty bad but so far she is managing. I will have to watch her close. I hope she is one of the ones that does ok with it.
Thanks for sharing your story. Hugs to you....
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Hello! I'm new to Bantam chickens and our lovely funky feathered friends. I purchased my first round of assorted bantams 4 weeks ago from Tractor Supply, and I had one that I had no idea what it was for the longest time! I thought it was a Silkie cross because of the 5 toes and feathered feet, but realized later it could be a Sultan! I'm absolutely thrilled! But not knowing anyone around me that has sultans I decided I'd post her here for you guys to take a peek! It also has some missing toenails, super strange, anyone know what that is all about! We call it "Sweet Thang" since we don't know if it's a hen or a roo and it's the sweetest of the bunch and my personal favorite, so if you guys wanna take a guess feel free! We also have Silkies, Polish, and a Cochin Frizzle. Here's pictures of "Sweet Thang" over the last few weeks-today!

Day one:

Week one:

Week two:

Week Three:

Week Four:


Hello! I'm new to Bantam chickens and our lovely funky feathered friends. I purchased my first round of assorted bantams 4 weeks ago from Tractor Supply, and I had one that I had no idea what it was for the longest time! I thought it was a Silkie cross because of the 5 toes and feathered feet, but realized later it could be a Sultan! I'm absolutely thrilled! But not knowing anyone around me that has sultans I decided I'd post her here for you guys to take a peek! It also has some missing toenails, super strange, anyone know what that is all about! We call it "Sweet Thang" since we don't know if it's a hen or a roo and it's the sweetest of the bunch and my personal favorite, so if you guys wanna take a guess feel free! We also have Silkies, Polish, and a Cochin Frizzle. Here's pictures of "Sweet Thang" over the last few weeks-today!

Day one:

Week one:

Week two:

Week Three:

Week Four:


what a cutie. Definitely a sultan. The missing toe nails comes from poor breeding that hatcheries tend to do. It shouldn't effect your little one.
It can be difficult to sex sultans, but I think your sweet thang is a boy.
I see a bit of red around the nostrils and 4 weeks is quite early for that, but also the hair do. As I'm watching sultans develop it seems the ones with pronounced mohawks are probably male while the more round headed/haired/feathered is female. And from my experience, the males are the most friendly as youngsters but hen's will be more friendly as they approach breeding age. That's just how mine have been :) But the roosters make great buddy chickens, pullets and hens too, but early on, definitely roosters. Girls take patience and mealworms, but boys are just naturally curious. They are incredibly sweet chickens.

Welcome to BYC and the Sultan thread!!
Thanks guys! Well, even if it's a roo, I'm not letting him go anywhere. :) it's the only Sultan I have and he is the best out off all of them! Will be getting more in the future, he's fast making them my favorite so far!
Thanks guys! Well, even if it's a roo, I'm not letting him go anywhere. :) it's the only Sultan I have and he is the best out off all of them! Will be getting more in the future, he's fast making them my favorite so far!
my Sultan's are hands down my favorites. My roo's are super sweet(but are extremely noisy) hen's are just as sweet and always have something to say (just not as loud). Glad you are enjoying your little one and wish you much happiness and joy
They do have amazing personalities. Can be very hard to find though. If you are in the states and want to ever hatch your own sultans (I have only the large ones), I have eggs and too many chicks as is. When your hens grow up and get broody stick some sultan eggs under there! haha.
They do have amazing personalities. Can be very hard to find though. If you are in the states and want to ever hatch your own sultans (I have only the large ones), I have eggs and too many chicks as is. When your hens grow up and get broody stick some sultan eggs under there! haha.
What do you charge?

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