the sultan thread

At 8-9 weeks you should see some darkening of the red comb and wattle area on a rooster. Saying that..I've had some at that age I swear are hens and they turn into roosters. One of the best ways I found to tell is looking at the tail feathers. Even on a youngster the roosters will have more of a point to the end of their feathers while the girls are more rounded. It can be hard since chicks have terrible tail feathers due to brooder and other chicks, but if you can make out the shape, it's a good way of telling.

Your sultan looks like a hen due to the pale comb and wattle area, the picture position makes the tail feathers look pointy though.

@kiaa Beautiful!! I want colored sultans so bad. All I'm getting are splash, grey and black/whites though :(
@kiaa those birds are gorgeous!!!

Mixed chicks. Some banties in there which are not sultans, some silkies from a friend and my sultan chicks and mixed sultan chicks. I love the black rooster chick, he has a white belly and white feet..only 4 toes :( His mom is a 4 toed 1/2 sultan-Duccle which I call Ugly, his dad was Milton. Sorry for the poo, I need to move their coop. They free range during the day but I lock them up at night with a brooder light on cold nights.
I noticed there seems to be no set standard on the sultans Kiaa posts. I see only 4 toes on a lot where it's obvious they have been mixed to get the colors. Absolutely beautiful though and makes me wonder if I'm being too hard on my judging by getting rid of all my 4 toed crosses since they do not have the 5 toes that is needed to be a true sultan.

I did get a fantastic Christmas present from my Sultans (this made my husband snort when I said they gave me a present). Christmas day hatched out a silver and white chick with all 5 toes. It's my first colored baby (5 toed) and it's mom is half while the dad is full sultan. All of my hatching eggs since going back to a pure sultan rooster, have been white or slightly splashed. The best news is that my half sultan hen goes broody! She's sitting on eggs as we speak. Hoping this trait stays in her chicks.
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