the sultan thread

Here is a pic of my sultan roo. I got him from the hardware store along with several polish chicks and a houdan. It was a nice surprise when I figured out what he was.

I'll post a better pic later.
oh he's so handsome!

I just love the weird red V-combs, don't you?

How do you keep the head & face feathers from getting all dirty and soggy from drinking water?

I just realized I am the proud Chicken Mom to a pure white Sultan. His name is Louie-Lu-LI. He is so cute I just love him and would love to get him his own lady. I got him at the Feed Store, thinking he was a silkie. I went after Frizzles. I came home with 3 black and 1 white Frizzles. 1 white Bantam Cochin and Louie-Lu-Li who is my Sultan. I'm trying to find out as much about them as I can.

My Louie-Lu-Li
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I would gladly rehome Coco to someone who had a sultan roo to keep her company, she seems so lonely and out of place here...

Not sure I did the right thing by bringing her home, well OK she was living in a tiny box so her life is definitely better here but still. Hope she eventually gets used to me and doesn't panic and screech when I pick her up!

Wonder what her eggs are like...

I will definitely hatch a couple of her eggs at some point, since we have white silkie roos the babies should be cuuuute!
I am sure its just a transition maybe she is going into a molt. My Faverolles and Ameraucana's beards get all soggy but they dry pretty quickly.

Good Luck,
This was my Sultan Rooster Hector. He was a sweet guy but I had no reason to keep him. He was a hoot. He kind of hopped when he ran across the yard and made the funniest noises. I would love to have a little flock of them one day. Hector is now part of a petting zoo believe it or not.



ah ok I hadn't thought about molt... thanks!

her headdress has been soggy for 3 days now, she keeps dunking her entire face in the water - I don't get it!

She looks like an indian chief, LOL!

I felt bad giving her a haircut but it was better than having her head freeze up

PS: Wow is Hector ever gorgeous!!
Sounds like he has a great life!

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technodoll. She is a beauty. I wish I lived close to you, I would sure love to have her for my Louie-Lu-Li. What cute babies they would have. Do you breed the black with black and the white with the white only, to keep the color true?
If you need one of each color, then I would need to get him a black.

I have a waterer that he can't dunk his head. I have pine shavings on the ground in the pen area. He does take dust baths and turns all brown. After a while he is back white. I did have to give him 3 baths when I first got him. he had a pasty problem for a few days. I have a Little Black Frizzle boy, named Bat Man. Louie-Lu-Li and Bat Man are the last to go in the coop. Bat Man Has become the leader, however Louie keeps having stare downs with him and they both want to control the girls.
] Some of the troops
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LOL! Bat-Man is the BEST name ever!

I love it :)

I don't know about breeding chickens or anything, but would assume whites should be mated with whites?


I don't want any more Sultans as space here is limited and I'm looking for egg-layers (getting some marans soon, and chanteclers, more EE's...) but she's an interesting addition to the flock. I just get the feeling that she's very lonely...

PS: she's only been here 9 days so far so we'll see if she settles in.

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