the sultan thread

I used to have Sultans I have a few pics hang on......




I miss having them!
I love Sultans! But I only had one. She was great. I realy want to get some more of those beauties, and I would be interested in LF and Bantam. I would love to get my hands on some balck ones as well. I would ask for that guys info but I think he will be overwhelmed. So, Boggy Bottom Bantams, if you get some let me know if you ever sell any chicks or hatching eggs!
I think I recall you once saying that your roo was eaten by something? Or he died somehow? But just out of curiousity, why don't you have them anymore?

Yeah the rooster was pulled through the wire with his head bitten off * sorry for that term but thats what happened* My hens was lost in a flood last february when my cage flooded then froze over! I dont have them because I never really picked the breed back up and started up but if I ever run across some blacks man Ill be determined to get them!
me too, there just arent any available in the states. I know some folks in Europe with them, but the problem there is, it's Europe!
I'll keep everyone posted on the progress, will probley take 3 years or better to perfect, but gone give it a shot anyway!!

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