the sultan thread

I'm sorry but i've only got the one hen and I got her from Ideal hatchery but if i were you I wouldnt get them from there because she's missing the toenails on her feet whitch is the result of me getting them from hatchery stock! :\ Try Meyer Hatchery or contact breeders form the Polish breeders club!!!
I'm sorry but i've only got the one hen and I got her from Ideal hatchery but if i were you I wouldnt get them from there because she's missing the toenails on her feet whitch is the result of me getting them from hatchery stock! :\ Try Meyer Hatchery or contact breeders form the Polish breeders club!!!
none of our bantams have that problem
As with any, the only definitive way to tell is when they either crow or lay eggs. I want to say my boys started around 3 months or thereabouts.

I definitely was suspicious of my boys- I had three of them that would consistently rumble- first it was both my sultans, and yep, they are both boys. With the poofy head breeds (silkies, polishes, etc), it's been suggested that here's a good way to tell:

= girl

= boy.

Since both of my sultans are boys and had more the Albert look, I can't really compare. But it worked with my silkies...........

I do think that boys overall have more rooish behavior, even before they start to crow. Fwiw. :D
Thanks I know iv got at least one coz he crowed but unsure of the other four they are only 7-8 weeks old :)
i am wanting to get some white bearded sultans and what hatchery has the best and have the ones that are very sweet docile chicks.

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