The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

Good morning eggies! Y'all better be getting your groove on in those shells.... You too Whitney!

Whitney Houston Reaction GIF
That's one of the extra benefits of hatching/breeding. You get to have a part of your favourite bird with you forever. That's why it's so important for me to have Cruella offspring
Sorry for getting lost in this thread, I have been preparing for the hatch of my own chicks! I just had to reply to this because I am also hatching eggs from my own chickens to preserve their legacy. Ruby is my favorite flock member, I love her so much and I want to continue her genes down. Of course I am also hatching Quartz's chicks because she is the only other hen in the Gemstone Flock (which consists of Ruby, Quartz and Jasper, I think you have seen all of them.)
Awww thank you @GreenJay. 🥰 I have 2 more bantam eggs to go in the next week. And, I’m now into Bobwhite and King quail incubation. I love this time of the year!
We have bobwhites native in our area and our neighbor just got some cotournix a few weeks ago. I can hear their little roo quite often 😁 right now 😉 .
We have all that, add bear. Our two dogs, three cats, guy wires, several tall wind spinners, and solar and electric motion lights keep the riff-raff away. The farmer across the road jokes that every night she sees lights being set off across our property from one end to the other by one of the dogs or cats that it's almost like a light show. :)

Knock on wood the last 7 of 8 years, we've not lost anything to a predator. Our first year, there are a few sad stories of missing hens. :(

8 years, that's very admirable! For as long as I've had the Tsouloufates, I've not had a loss while they were free ranging (I have had it where foxes with rip the heads off young pullets through the wire fence while they were roosting in the coop). I'm attributing that to this gentleman
; he's the best rooster when it comes to everything related to the care of his hens, and I've had a lot of males over the years
8 years, that's very admirable! For as long as I've had the Tsouloufates, I've not had a loss while they were free ranging (I have had it where foxes with rip the heads off young pullets through the wire fence while they were roosting in the coop). I'm attributing that to this gentlemanView attachment 3795172; he's the best rooster when it comes to everything related to the care of his hens, and I've had a lot of males over the years
Such a handsome boy!

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