The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

I stick with the layer - we can get more soft eggs toward the end of the laying season, so my reasoning is I want them to build up calcium reserves.

And wheat sprouts, just for something fresh in winter.
I'll try some dog food. But JoJo, my pekin, won't eat his duck feed, he eats a little bit sometimes but not much at all. What can I give him to make sure he's still getting the right nutrients, vitamins, etc? Any suggestions?
Does he seem healthy? Maybe he's just not hungry... Do you let him roam around in the grass at all? Mine will eat nearly anything I give them, but their favorite food is bugs and worms they find on their own. I give them table scraps as well. The dog gets first choice and whatever the ducks won't eat goes in the compost bin. On reflection if both the dog and the ducks turn their nose up to something, I probably shouldn't be eating it either
Does he seem healthy? Maybe he's just not hungry... Do you let him roam around in the grass at all? Mine will eat nearly anything I give them, but their favorite food is bugs and worms they find on their own. I give them table scraps as well. The dog gets first choice and whatever the ducks won't eat goes in the compost bin. On reflection if both the dog and the ducks turn their nose up to something, I probably shouldn't be eating it either :p

Yes he's healthy, just very depressed and grieving. He just lost his mate last weekend and now there's certain things he won't eat. His mate got sick for unknown reasons, maybe something got in their feed and that's why he won't eat it. I dunno! I threw away the old bag and bought him a smaller bag of different feed. But he only nibbles at it a very little bit every few days. Like I said he is eating other stuff. I just wanna make sure he is getting the nutrition he needs so he stays healthy!!!
Does he seem healthy? Maybe he's just not hungry... Do you let him roam around in the grass at all? Mine will eat nearly anything I give them, but their favorite food is bugs and worms they find on their own. I give them table scraps as well. The dog gets first choice and whatever the ducks won't eat goes in the compost bin. On reflection if both the dog and the ducks turn their nose up to something, I probably shouldn't be eating it either

Some worms that they find in the ground contain parasites, mine free range all day from 9:30 to about 7:30 and i know they probably get worms but, just make sure to always worm them
Yes he's healthy, just very depressed and grieving. He just lost his mate last weekend and now there's certain things he won't eat. His mate got sick for unknown reasons, maybe something got in their feed and that's why he won't eat it. I dunno! I threw away the old bag and bought him a smaller bag of different feed. But he only nibbles at it a very little bit every few days. Like I said he is eating other stuff. I just wanna make sure he is getting the nutrition he needs so he stays healthy!!!
Oh i completely know how this is, one of my girls (Farm girl) lost her sister, they were best friends and went everywhere together, she didnt eat for days and she just sulked around all day. I'm so happy she perked up though, i just let her morn and held her some to let her know everything would be okay
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I get poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics. You can order online or some feed stores carry them. Once a week in the water should help.

I get poultry vitamins with electrolytes and probiotics.  You can order online or some feed stores carry them.  Once a week in the water should help.

Someone suggested nutri drench so I do that twice a week. And I do sav-a-chick probiotics and electrolytes once a week. There was this stuff I saw at tsc, I can't remember the name and I wanted to ask you guys if I should get it. Its for poultry or whatever during shows, competitions, and during times they are under a lot of stress, it has the vitamins, nutrients, etc to help them.Jojo is obviously under a great deal of stress too. Should I get that too? Or is what I'm giving him enough?
I regularly feed my ducks grains that have been fermented in apple cider vinegar so they get plenty of probiotics. They like yogurt as well so that is another good source of "extra" nutrition.

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