The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

(for ducklings over 1 week old, cut finely)
Cut in to small pieces or give them the ends and tips when you trim beans for yourself.
The first post here puts great beans in the same category of those beans that should be cooked (pinto, lima, etc). But, they are not in the same category. Unless you save the seeds (beans) for later use like planting. But, fresh green beans are edible. They actually aren't in the same category as other legumes. I think the first post was written in error with regards to green beans. <---- lists fresh green beans as ok.

Why green beans aren't in the same category as other legumes:

Simply put green beans are a veggie, the others are considered a starch and contain protein.
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The first post here puts great beans in the same category of those beans that should be cooked (pinto, lima, etc). But, they are not in the same category. Unless you save the seeds (beans) for later use like planting. But, fresh green beans are edible. They actually aren't in the same category as other legumes. I think the first post was written in error with regards to green beans. <---- lists fresh green beans as ok.

Why great beans arent in the same category as other legumes:

Simply put green beans are a veggie, the others are considered a starch and contain protein.

This is how I remember it.
Apparently ducks and geese love frozen whole cranberries. Mine react to cranberries like they do to peas. They also absolutely adore grass that has grown tall and gone to seed. I throw them Kale stems, basil, oregano, and parsley too. Nasturtium was a pretty big hit; I threw them my dying ones recently. They liked mustard greens too.
Apple seeds containing cyanide is kind of a myth. One would have to throughly chew the seeds and a human would have to eat a full CUP of seeds chewed throughly for a toxic dose. I really doubt the occasional apple seed is going to be toxic to birds. Further, giving them applesauce is a bit ridiculous since they are perfectly capable of biting off chunks from an apple that has been halved.
Spinach is absolutely not calcium depleting. It has poor calcium bioavailability. You could eat spinach every single day alongside some other calcium containing food and be just fine. You can't actually absorb any of the calcium in Spinach because it is virtually unattainable nutritionally. The oxalates effect only the calcium in spinach itself, it has absolutely no effect upon the calcium in other foods.

Spinach oxalates robbing the body of calcium is absolutely and unequivocally a myth.
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My duck is super picky, and tends to only want the feed from the store. Is it OK to give her the chick grower (unmedicated) alone and as a regular diet or do I need to supplement it with something else? She is about 4 months old. I have had ducks in the past, but they all ate outside happily. My Dandy hates to go outside and even when I make her, food is NOT her focus. i was surprised to see corn isn't good for them. I have been adding cut corn to my ducks food for years after being told it was good for them. Thank you for letting me know.

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