The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

Just recently got our first ducks a couple weeks ago. Been trying different treats to find out what they like. Today we gave them blueberries for the first time and the completely pigged out and didn't even share any with the chickens!
They didn't even stop to breath! Usually they wait until we leave the coop to eat because they are still getting used to us but today they ran right up and ate them right in front of us!

so just to be clear... MY DUCKS LOVE BLUEBERRIES!!!
I haven't been able to get my mallards to try ANYTHING except their pellets and cracked corn. Nothing seemed to appeal to them at all.

Then I tried peas.

It's hysterical watching them. They're not quite sure how to eat them, but they're going crazy for them. I think I may have found the treat that will let me at least get near them!
I haven't been able to get my mallards to try ANYTHING except their pellets and cracked corn. Nothing seemed to appeal to them at all.

Then I tried peas.

It's hysterical watching them. They're not quite sure how to eat them, but they're going crazy for them. I think I may have found the treat that will let me at least get near them!
You never know what might bring them around mine love peas, romaine lettuce and dried mealworms
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Rice if cooked is ok for birds, of course a bird won't explode if you give it cooked rice, where are you getting this information from. I keep over 32 birds, most cockatiels and african greys, they love cooked rice and they have not yet exploded!

Advice required on campbell ducks pond:
I currently have a pond made of soft lining but I need to change this because the soil is clay and this has distorted the lining and because my back garden slops water is now running down up to my living room.
Purchased a hard plastic one, but could not find the same size as the current pond. this hard plastic is deeper: 46cm.
My question: would the 2 (non-flying ducks) be able to get out from this pond or is it too deep for them (notes: water would fill up this plastic pond probably up to 6cm down the top edges because of the overflow hole).
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If I remember correctly from earlier on this thread avocado is toxic to ducks but it seems to be fine for chickens

You could use the search this thread feature and just plug in the word avocado
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