The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

Wow.The only other animals in considering getting in my lifetime(as of now
)are geese and goats....

Goats are fun, we had them when I was a kid. A bear got them, though.

I didn't used to like geese, but I'm thinking that when we get some property where I actually have some room I will get a pair.
my muscovies like anything green and anything moving, flying, etc. I got them because I have too many mosquitoes and I don't see many of them now. I also had some giant black ants in the place where their run is, no more ants!
The latest research shows that many fats are actually heart healthy for humans, such as coconut oil, avocado, grass fed animal fat... Why is it that ducks can't have high fat diets? Most animals in nature look for the highest fat diet possible. I know nothing about birds but when i heard the outdated logic about why to avoid fat I had to speak up.
The latest research shows that many fats are actually heart healthy for humans, such as coconut oil, avocado, grass fed animal fat... Why is it that ducks can't have high fat diets? Most animals in nature look for the highest fat diet possible. I know nothing about birds but when i heard the outdated logic about why to avoid fat I had to speak up.

thank you for the links! I totally agree.

I am also wondering if they are doing exactly the same thing with the animal feed. they say scratch is not food - what have birds been eating for thousands or millions of years? purina and other brands?!
thank you for the links! I totally agree.

I am also wondering if they are doing exactly the same thing with the animal feed. they say scratch is not food - what have birds been eating for thousands or millions of years? purina and other brands?!
I see turkeys and Canada geese in corn fields after the corn has been harvested, I think they maybe after the gleaned left overs.
Scratch is food but isn't a whole food, they need other nutrients other than what the scratch can give them. Wheat & oats to name a few. they would be eating this in the wild also. plus any protein in it's natural form such as bugs.
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I see turkeys and Canada geese in corn fields after the corn has been harvested, I think they maybe after the gleaned left overs.
Scratch is food but isn't a whole food, they need other nutrients other than what the scratch can give them. Wheat & oats to name a few. they would be eating this in the wild also. plus any protein in it's natural form such as bugs.

I always forget to mention that my chickens and muscovies free range and eat a lot of worms and bugs. plus I boil eggs for them and give them veggies from my garden and kitchen leftovers. I guess birds who don't free range would get sick and die eating corn, wheats, etc. I feed my birds corn, wheat, barley and some oats. I also give them some commercial feed because some of them are still young and almost all of my flock has been recovering from infectious bronchitis (thank god all survived!).
I always forget to mention that my chickens and muscovies free range and eat a lot of worms and bugs. plus I boil eggs for them and give them veggies from my garden and kitchen leftovers. I guess birds who don't free range would get sick and die eating corn, wheats, etc. I feed my birds corn, wheat, barley and some oats. I also give them some commercial feed because some of them are still young and almost all of my flock has been recovering from infectious bronchitis (thank god all survived!).
Sounds like your doing a great job, and glad to hear your flock is recovering. Mine have half an acre fenced when I cannot watch them but when I can have alot more to roam around in. My Muscovy's have decimated the grass hopper population here.I'm sure other bugs like slugs have been reduced too because I don't see as many of them in warm months either. I think commercial feed has it's place but just like anything we do whether us or for our flocks we can enhance our eating with variety.

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