The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

I apologize if this has all ready been brought up but BEANS are on the sticky twice. They contradict each other so Im confused. Do they have to be cooked or no? I ran out of peas ----bad duck momma---- but I have a package of frozen mixed vegetables (corn, peas & green beans) I was going to give them.
Yes I COULD pick the beans out and will if I have to but would much rather have an answer to the question: "Wassup 'w da beans?"
I apologize if this has all ready been brought up but BEANS are on the sticky twice. They contradict each other so Im confused. Do they have to be cooked or no? I ran out of peas ----bad duck momma---- but I have a package of frozen mixed vegetables (corn, peas & green beans) I was going to give them.
Yes I COULD pick the beans out and will if I have to but would much rather have an answer to the question: "Wassup 'w da beans?"
I think green beans are ok. dry beens must be (over)cooked.
Every time I look at the sticky on this thread my freezer gets a little cleaner. LOL I finally read the whole thread- some very interesting stuff. though it is in the main sticky, I really had not thought about giving my duckies frozen berries until I read many comments about other ducks loving them. So off to the freezer I went again to find some berries. I knew there were several bits of leftovers in there somewhere. Casualties of my healthy shake kicks that had been frozen for ....lets say well over a year. This leaves them rubbery & not appetizing for human consumption, but did not motivate me to actually throw them out. I gathered 2 or 3 bags of various berries, tossed them in their little water pool and let them go at it. It was a huge success! they love da berries!
I now have slightly stained ducks however as they climbed right in there to hunt every last berry down ;-)
The dogs were so thoughtful today. They dug up some Jerusalem Artichokes for the ducks and left them all over the yard. Well they seem to be pretty well received by my 3week old Pekins so I reached for my handy dandy leatherman and cut them up for easier all around munching & tossed them in one of the several watering holes around the yard. they seemed to like them for about 5 minutes then tired of them. They tire of everything pretty quickly, but yeah I think you could add them to the list of yummies. I have not read anything derogatory about them. FEEDBACK??? they are a lot like potatoes but sweeter & mine are grown with 0 pesticide.
Their high in a compound that gives humans gas... A pre biotic of some kind... Can't see it being a big deal though... What a great crop for the ducks and chickens, easy to grow and prolific...
Be interested in more thoughts about Jerusalem artichokes too...
Well....that explains a lot.
'wassnt me I SWEAR. lol
They are delicious. Most often I boil them up 1/2 with red potatoes & mash. DELISH. And just a bit sweet. I didn't even think about giving them to the ducks till the dogs helped me out. Clever dogs.
Yesterday my Drake Opie came in for a visit right as I was getting the dogs their breakfast. They get to share a can of Newman's own organics dog food along with their kibble in the mornings, well Opie is standing in the kitchen watching me so I offer him a taste on a spoon he gobbled it up. so I think I'll take a can out and see if anyone else is interested. put it into a bowl none of my ducks wanted any after the first taste but my gosh my chickens made mince meat out of it in no time. They didn't know they were eating chicken/liver. or maybe they did. lol

Opie would have probably ate more if I had brought the spoon out and hand fed him he likes to eat out of the bowl when I offer other treats while everyone else is eating off the ground.

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