The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

Thank you.My goose eats romaine daily. I won't give spinach anymore. Tried kale, but he won't eat it. Been giving him a small piece of watermelon daily. He eats it down to the rind.Going to try regular swiss chard tomorrow. How often and how much should I feed my 1 Toulouse male? He's very big. We have only been giving him food once daily except grain which he kind of free feeds on daily. And only like about 5 big lea es of the romaine a day.He seems healthy but afraid we aren't giving him enough.
How old again? If they have grass for grazing and are not in a brooder they really don't need much greens supplementation during summer, If i see something marked down and it still looks good I'll get it for a treat but in the winter is when i usually give mine greens from the grocery. romaine sure can't hurt him give as much as you want, it will just make their poop gree as you most likely know. When my geese were goslings and I was brooding them inside after first week I'd hang a romaine head in their brooder and they would peck and eat on it for most of the day.
Apple Cider Vinegar is very good for Chickens, put it in their drinking water containers daily, it helps keep the water Algae free and from becoming slimy, its good for them health wise as well. I even wash out their containers with it instead of using soap, it keeps hard water from calcification build up in the containers. Do NOT use it in or on anything metal, it cause it to rust almost overnight. I even add to it my ducks bathing water to keep the oils and mud from adhering to the kiddo pool. It makes them much easier to clean and the dirty water smells much better.
Apple Cider Vinegar is very good for Chickens, put it in their drinking water containers daily, it helps keep the water Algae free and from becoming slimy, its good for them health wise as well. I even wash out their containers with it instead of using soap, it keeps hard water from calcification build up in the containers. Do NOT use it in or on anything metal, it cause it to rust almost overnight. I even add to it my ducks bathing water to keep the oils and mud from adhering to the kiddo pool. It makes them much easier to clean and the dirty water smells much better.

acv is good but not every day. it is good when it is cold but in very hot areas it is better not to use it in the summer - it has got to do something with calcium. better use garlic in their water, but again not every day. once a month iodine in water is good as well.
Question for help please- my drake which I was told here is a WH is changing colors on his head. When we got him, adult but age unknown, his head and neck were a pretty green, kind of like a mallard, which I thought he was at first. Now he has only a small line of the green down the back & middle of his head. Is this normal for Welch Harlequin drakes??? I'm worried he might be lacking in proper nutrition. We feed them Purina game feed from TSC.
Question for help please- my drake which I was told here is a WH is changing colors on his head. When we got him, adult but age unknown, his head and neck were a pretty green, kind of like a mallard, which I thought he was at first. Now he has only a small line of the green down the back & middle of his head. Is this normal for Welch Harlequin drakes??? I'm worried he might be lacking in proper nutrition. We feed them Purina game feed from TSC.
Post some pics.
Apple Cider Vinegar is very good for Chickens, put it in their drinking water containers daily, it helps keep the water Algae free and from becoming slimy, its good for them health wise as well. I even wash out their containers with it instead of using soap, it keeps hard water from calcification build up in the containers. Do NOT use it in or on anything metal, it cause it to rust almost overnight. I even add to it my ducks bathing water to keep the oils and mud from adhering to the kiddo pool. It makes them much easier to clean and the dirty water smells much better.
Wow! I will start putting it in their swimming water now! Thanks :)
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