The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

My ducks will absolutely take me down for chopped up hot dog weiners. They love them. They get that treat about once a week.
Chicory was a hit with the ducks this year. Easy to grow from seed, low water and blue flowers.
They will eat entire water melon rind if I shred it in a cheese grater. They do well on their own with watermelon, but tend to leave some of the tough rind.
We give our ducks chicken scratch and romaine lettuce leaves. Also dried mealworms. I'd like to know though if anyone puts feeder goldfish or minnows in their ponds? Will they eat them, and is it safe to give them those live fish?
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We give our ducks chicken scratch and romaine lettuce leaves. Also dried mealworms. I'd like to know though if anyone puts feeder goldfish or minnows in their ponds? Will they eat them, and is it safe to give them those live fish?

I have a funny store regarding feeder goldfish, LOL!! Bought some, 10 cents each to feed to my peafowl. Put them in a pan with shallow water. Peacocks stretched their necks, were intrigued but didn't eat them so I poured them out onto the ground and they were eaten so fast it shocked me. I felt bad. Poor little goldfish. Went to Tractor Supply and bought a 100 gallon Rubbermaid trough($60) to put the remaining 6 fish in. They are huge now but I'm tired of changing the water so it's either get filter, etc; or find a good home for them. I have since bought some feeder goldfish and fed to the swans. Gunther, the male ate them all. Gracie wasn't fast enough. Felt bad but love my birds more then the fish and want my swans to be healthy. I'd say YES, they are ok to feed to waterfowl but make sure they are real small. Peafowl swallowed them whole but swans chomped them into pieces then swallowed them. I do wonder, could any diseases the fish might have be a harm to the birds?
We give our ducks chicken scratch and romaine lettuce leaves. Also dried mealworms. I'd like to know though if anyone puts feeder goldfish or minnows in their ponds? Will they eat them, and is it safe to give them those live fish?

I have a funny store regarding feeder goldfish, LOL!!  Bought some, 10 cents each to feed to my peafowl.  Put them in a pan with shallow water.  Peacocks stretched their necks, were intrigued but didn't eat them so I poured them out onto the ground and they were eaten so fast it shocked me.  I felt bad.  Poor little goldfish.  Went to Tractor Supply and bought a 100 gallon Rubbermaid trough($60) to put the remaining 6 fish in.  They are huge now but I'm tired of changing the water so it's either get filter, etc; or find a good home for them.  I have since bought some feeder goldfish and fed to the swans.  Gunther, the male ate them all.  Gracie wasn't fast enough.  Felt bad but love my birds more then the fish and want my swans to be healthy.  I'd say YES, they are ok to feed to waterfowl but make sure they are real small.  Peafowl swallowed them whole but swans chomped them into pieces then swallowed them.  I do wonder, could any diseases the fish might have be a harm to the birds?

Thanks.Good information on the fish. I'd like to give them to my ducks and geese actually. We have 6 Welch Harlequins and 3 geese-a mean Toulouse gander and 2 hens that are African and Toulouse mixes that were given to us. The girls are good, but we just aren't sure we are going to be able to keep the gander. It takes both of us to go into the pen just to gather eggs. We've tried alot of behavior modification. It works for about 5 seconds at a time, but we dare not turn our backs on him. He was so sweet and gentle when we rescued him. We can't figure out what has made him so mean. We give him lots of room, although we can't allow the geese to free range yet as we aren't set up for that. Once we get things changed around, I'm afraid still to let him out, not just bc of my own fear of getting bitten and flogged again, but fear he might attack the ducks, who do free range separately even now. I hate the thought of processing him, but it's looking more and more that will be his fate.I can't live with an aggressive animal on the property.Plus I'm losing eggs from my girls bc Michael is working away 5 days a week, so I can't get in there to retrieve the daily eggs. Grrr Boy oh boy, if anyone has any suggestions on taming a gander, I'm all ears.And sorry I veered off the subject here.
My ducklings are a week old or so... my husband gave them worms and small rollie pollies this evening but you have worms at around 4 weeks. Do you think it will hurt them?? They really enjoyed eatting them.
My ducklings are a week old or so... my husband gave them worms and small rollie pollies this evening but you have worms at around 4 weeks. Do you think it will hurt them?? They really enjoyed eatting them.

It shouldn't hurt them, but I wouldn't give them anything other than their crumble for a while. It has complete nutrition so you don't want them to fill up on other stuff. Also, make sure they have access to chick grit since they've had food other than crumbles.
It shouldn't hurt them, but I wouldn't give them anything other than their crumble for a while.  It has complete nutrition so you don't want them to fill up on other stuff.  Also, make sure they have access to chick grit since they've had food other than crumbles.

Thank you! Yea they seem perfectly fine... just angry that we havent offered them again! Lol
My ducklings, first of all, eat tomatoes!!! In next preference, cucumber and chicken processed foods.
Thanks alot from this cool site, I have learned alot xDDD

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