The ULTIMATE list of DUCK Treats and Supplements...

i've updated the list again, to include cat/dog food under the protein section.

Any ideas on using apple cidar vinegar? if it works well i'd like to include it in the supplements section.
I've added the
symbol next to treats for ducklings... And i've added a section about ducklings to the first part of the first post... hopefully this helps people who've been wondering!
Any ideas on using apple cidar vinegar? if it works well i'd like to include it in the supplements section.

I am not exactly sure how it works, though I am really researching in to fermented foods lately. And it isn't just apple cider vinegar but the RAW apple cider vinegar I am using.

From what I am reading it helps with mineral and vitamin absorption, kills bad bacteria and promotes good gut flora.

I just used it on Wendy this morning. She was all puffy and listless since yesterday. After spiking the water (about 1 Tbsp per gallon of water) early this morning, she was much better this afternoon. She even hoped on the compost pile and made squeaky noises at me. This is how my girls beg for worms
I put spirulina powder in my juice everyday, it does wonders for me. I was thinking of sprinkling it on my duck's food cos I want them to live forever lol. It sort of tastes like fish so they'll like the taste I think. Would this do them as much good as it does me do you think? I believe it's a type of pond algae?
Catfish Feed *****
We buy the catfish/fish floating pellets they have 32% protein. My ducks LOVE when I throw the catfish feed in the pond with them. It is an all out frenzy between the koi, goldfish, and ducks.
You would think that the ducks would go after the fish swimming between there feet, nope they go after those pellets and just look at the fish like they are in there way.

Feeder Fish*****
Did you mention feeder fish? I don't know if I read it or not after reading all 5/6 pages.
At about 10 weeks old I get the small feeder goldfish that are about and 1 to 2 inches long and throw them in the ducks clean kiddie pool. I always put new water in there when I put the fish in so my ducks can see the fish better...besides I don't want them trying to eat in there poo water
They absolutely love it and it is so funny to watch. I don't put the feeders in the pond because the ducks don't have a chance to find them in there, to many spots for them to hind in.
my ducks will only eat floating sticks when it comes to fish food... they hate the round balls... lol, any one successfully feed their ducks the balls of cat fish food?

I do have feeder gold fish up there... my goofballs will only eat the fish if i put them in their water bowl... (a large glass canning jar). they seem too have too much trouble in the pool, lol. but my ducks are divas...
The fish food we feed are those catfish balls.

I guess I shouldn't have used the word pellet (since it is something different

We used to have 14in catfish in our pond but they started to eat everything so they went to rose fertilizer.
Any one know if it is ok for ducks to eat Persimmons? Our tree is dropping fruit like crazy and I know eventually the ducks will think they are on the grass just for them.
Do your ducks even know they are ducks? LOL!! I love hearing about them and can't wait until you get your website up & running.

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