The Welsummer Thread!!!!'s a rooster.

hereorthere........I don't have any input on the white wing tips for wellies, but I have had them molt out in Marans. I'd hold on to them and see how they mature. Wellies change so much up to 2 years old. Great leg coloring on your birds!
Looks like the coloring of a roo. Brighter reds/oranges and black chest. Strange for him to develop so slowly. My roo, a couple of pages back in this thread, is about 4 months old and is much more developed and crows A LOT!. Maybe he was mislabeled when you got him and he is not that old? I would guess he is more like 3 months now, but I'm pretty new to Wellies, so maybe others will know better.
here is an update on my "wellie". I posted a while back about this one...unsure if it was a hen or a roo.
To be honest, its 6 months now, and I still don't know. No egg and no crowing.

The colouring isn't hen-like...but thats what it was labeled as when I bought it at 3 months.
(first pic is a 5 months, second is currently)

looks like a cockeral, he could be slow to develop. I noticed that he doesn't have much red in his face around his eyes. Our group that is now about 6 months are showing the red around the eyes except for 1 whose face is very much skin color and he has 1 larger wattle and 1 smaller wattle so he will be culled. It would be interesting to see what he looks like in another month.
I have 3 Welsummer chicks about 6 weeks old. My hatch of 15 eggs did not go so well. Can someone tell me at what age I can expect to see enough change in coloring to determine what sex birds I have? Would it be best if I got pictures of them to show?
You won't have much color difference at that age but you will have obvious difference in feathering. Hackle feathers on the cockerels should be obvious. By 12 weeks the color differences will be quite apparent.
So my Wellie might be mixed. It has yellow legs, and the breeder told me she was a Wellie, but look at her and see what you think.
And what do you think, roo or pullet? It is about 3 months old.

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