Thermostat on homemade 'bator

Queen of the Lilliputians

12 Years
Apr 5, 2007
I'm online today to buy a better thermostat for my incubator. I'm not happy with the 8-10 degree temp spread my hot water heater one provides, so thought I would buy one that was made for incubators, with the thought that it would turn light on faster, and keep temps in a 3-4 degree spread.

I'm totally confused, though. I still want to use the lightbulb for actual heat, and don't want to mess with wafers. I was looking at M MC M, and they have this one on this page (it's 3GS.. sorry, can't link just to the pic for some reason)

Would that work? I don't quite understand where I hook the wires to.. maybe through those two small holes? Or is this just part of the wafer-setup?

I know there are a ton of people on here with homemade incubators. For those of you not using the Hotwater heater thermost, or the wafer-type, which one did you buy?

What wattage light bulb are you using?

When I was dialing in the thermostat I started with a 25w bulb and had the same temp swing you are.

I now have a 40w and my temp swing is from 94.8 - 100.4
Megan, I did not use a thermostat at all. I bought a dimmer switch. I use a 25 watt bulb and it is necessary to dial it down about 1/2 way in my homemade styrofoam incubator. The dimmer method is not an automatic so you need to be able to monitor it. It will keep the incubator pretty steady in a room with little variation in themperatures. Central heating is a necessity. I am thinking of getting the water heater one for a new hatcher I made but I was concerned about the wattage of the bulb. I am going to look for a 15 watt bulb. The dimmer switch I bought at Lowes, I can't find anymore, but you just plug your light into the dimmer and it has a slide on it and you plug the dimmer unit into the wall socket sort of like and extension cord. The slide dims the light it is pretty neat. I have only used it for hatching so it was not as time consuming as if I tried to hatch the entire 21 days with it.

The wafer will control the light as well or anything else that you use to heat with but I have never been fond of the wafer units. With enough experience you can learn how to control them but for beginners they can drive you insane.
thanks guys!

Rooster Red- can't seem to locate the package, but *think* it's a 40 watt. It's one of those tapered bulbs, not a reg one.
I could be wrong, though. I'll buy some 40 watt tomorrow, just to be sure (and it'll give me backup anyway)

jimnjay- Good info to know. I thought about the dimmer, but I can see where vigilance would be needed. Currently have the 'bator in the most consistant room in the house, and temp still swings from 61-69. Glad you said that about the wafers, will defin. keep that in mind.

Pine Grove- Pm'd you.

Brooster- I'll pick one of those up tomorrow as well. As old as my wiring is, that could defin. be an issue. I have a bunch here.. somehow though they all have some use or another!

Personally I don't like over 1 degree fluctuation. I would rather pay a few more $ and get a thermostat made for the application.
I really have no idea. But if it is possible to keep it within 1 degree without a problem, Why not? Works great for me and I have most of my hatch rates in the 90 percent range. Works for me..

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