They lied to me, I need taller fences


Apr 17, 2024
Hilo Hawaii
They said a jersey giant cannot fly over a 4' fence. He can jump up to a 7' high roof with his wings clipped.
Went to work and came home to all my hens with no feathers on their backs and a jersey giant running around.
I keep him because he's a wonderful loving pet. He's as big as a turkey though and must be kept away from every hen I have.
He's about 5lbs bigger than his brother. He's some kind of anomaly and still growing. He's turned a year April 7th.
Here's some pictures of Leroy.


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Leroy is a beautiful roo!

We lost one hen to a fox because she could launch and glide over a six foot fence when the wind blows from the West, which is often. She liked to sleep under a wheel barrow. :/ The new girls are in an a-frame coop with an enclosed run, and I intend to build out an aviary around it.
A hardware cloth aviary will keep Leroy and most everything else out.
Leroy is a beautiful roo!

We lost one hen to a fox because she could launch and glide over a six foot fence when the wind blows from the West, which is often. She liked to sleep under a wheel barrow. :/ The new girls are in an a-frame coop with an enclosed run, and I intend to build out an aviary around it.
A hardware cloth aviary will keep Leroy and most everything else out.
Luckily, there is nothing here that is a threat to such a large Bird. Even the hunting dogs that sometimes show up have all been trained to leave chickens alone. Mongoose and hawks are our predators. The hawks are small and the mongoose are terrified of this rooster they stay away because he's here. Lucky me. I was going to throw a bird net over the entire area. It's about 50' x 150', to keep doves and finches out. The wild birds bring mites in like crazy. My biggest threat is mites and flow pox. I have five birds on quarantine right now with pox. That's how I found this forum. No need to post questions though, y'all have done such a great job informing what to do already on here.
You can string up masins string back and forth across his pen. He will fly up , hit it and come right down. You could also line the top of the fence with floppy fence a.k.a deer fencing so he does not had a solid structure to fly up on.
And he is a gorgeous boy!
Thank you so much.
What a handsome boy!

A roof on his space will stop his antics. It doesn't have to be complicated. Simple bird netting will keep him contained.
I hope you find a solution so that everyone is safe.
Yup, I'm going to do bird netting. Not only to keep him in but to keep doves out. The wild birds bring mites in. My birds have to dust bath in diatomaceous earth constantly.

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