Things you never said until you had chickens.......

Have you tried a little Apple cider vinegar with mother in the water ..Usualy takes care of that ..
She's all better now. I was using vitamin water which was working perfectly for the rest of her sisters, just not her.
"I love fluffy chicken butts!" I am sure I would NEVER had said that w/o them!
"Quit pooping on the porch!"
Love this chat.. good for our collective chicken loving hearts!
I have to make leg braces for that chick

Let me clean up that pasty butt - even funnier when your city boy husband says it!

stop pooping in your waterer

stop pooping on my head

I have to go home and check my eggs.
i never had to say we needed to get some food out of a chickens mouth. i have a young chick who just ate all her food at once. finally found a use for shish-ka-bobs... taking food out of chickens mouths who cant eat it all at once.
"Don't you dare peck at your sister!"
"Come back here you little escape artist!''
"Come on. Why won't you get back into the hutch?"
Blondie pooed on my new Ugg boot. "Blondie! Don't poop on your momma!"
"Yes sir, mr. Rooster"

"Chicken peed on my foot"

"Stop peckin my nails there not food" ( painted yellow)

"Don't get you're feathers all ruffled up"

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