Things you wish you could say

If you need to reschedule, it would be great if could let me know *before* our planned meeting time. Not 20 minutes after the meeting was supposed to start.
Is it too much to ask for you to review the meeting agenda and materials that were supplied with the invite and come prepared to discuss rather than me reading the information to you so that we can discuss? There are better uses of my time.
Also for contractors and service people, saying you will be at my place some time tomorrow or this week is not good enough. If you can't organize your schedule better than that what is the quality of your work going to be.
I get that stuff happens so a couple of hour range is very acceptable. But if you are going to be late or not able to come at all, contact me. My time is as valuable as yours so maybe I start deducting from your bill for my wasted time.
Of course, if you are all ready hours late and I leave to do something, that is when you will show up. Don't leave me nasty notes, texts, or phone calls. We are already done.
On the other hand. My unit at the hospital expects 12 RNs and 3 CNAs to show up at the desk at 3pm every day for the second daily staff meeting. When the Charge RN was venting about why everyone couldn't make the meeting, I suggested "Patient care?" The look I got made me glad I'm on contract there. :cool:
No worries, my friend. It's kinda fun wandering around in your brain! 😆 I'll get there eventually, maybe. Don't apologize. The world needs more poets like you. I'm at the opposite end ... I get a lot of eyerolls bc I tend to explain things to death! By which I mean ..... oops. That horse is dead, in'it? 🤣
Dead? That’s tenderized like nobodies business .....(smirks) night night
I appreciate that everyone loves their dog, but we keep ours in a fenced in area and give her walks and supervised time outside where we give her attention. Letting your dog run all over the neighborhood and kill your neighbors chickens(that are inside the coop) and pooping in you neighbors yard, is Not owning a dog. Those are the very types that get upset with you when you call animal control. Just ranting...
If you're from a big city and have never lived out in the country, please understand a lot of things are different out here. Like, for instance:

You have to pay $$ to have someone come plow your drive, and it's half a mile long. Or get off your butt and help out the neighbor who does it. And if you want it done by a certain time of day, Do It Yourself.

When the power goes off, it can be off for DAYS. Put a generator on your "needs" list.

When the corn is tall, yes, people DO drive down the middle of the road to give themselves more time to react to a deer or raccoon darting out of the corn. No, I am NOT trying to run you off the road. Pay attention and slow down.

When the big farm machines or milk trucks are coming up the road, give them lots of room. Pull off to the side and wait for them to pass. Wave to the farmers. Sometimes that farmer with the big front loader is the one who plows the road so the milk truck can get through, because the county won't get out here for a couple days. Sometimes he plows our road, just to be nice. Don't complain that it's just one vehicle width.

Make friends with your neighbors and don't be a butthead. It can take 15-20 minutes for help to get out here. I'm next door. I'll drop everything, get up at 2:30 am, whatever it takes to help you in an emergency. Because that's what we do out here.
If you're from a big city and have never lived out in the country, please understand a lot of things are different out here. Like, for instance:

You have to pay $$ to have someone come plow your drive, and it's half a mile long. Or get off your butt and help out the neighbor who does it. And if you want it done by a certain time of day, Do It Yourself.

When the power goes off, it can be off for DAYS. Put a generator on your "needs" list.

When the corn is tall, yes, people DO drive down the middle of the road to give themselves more time to react to a deer or raccoon darting out of the corn. No, I am NOT trying to run you off the road. Pay attention and slow down.

When the big farm machines or milk trucks are coming up the road, give them lots of room. Pull off to the side and wait for them to pass. Wave to the farmers. Sometimes that farmer with the big front loader is the one who plows the road so the milk truck can get through, because the county won't get out here for a couple days. Sometimes he plows our road, just to be nice. Don't complain that it's just one vehicle width.

Make friends with your neighbors and don't be a butthead. It can take 15-20 minutes for help to get out here. I'm next door. I'll drop everything, get up at 2:30 am, whatever it takes to help you in an emergency. Because that's what we do out here.
I'm not moving out to the complete country, but I am moving to a much smaller town than I've lived in for the last 50+ years. I may not know my current next door neighbours, but at the new place I walked around to all of the adjacent homes and gave them some fresh and pickled quail eggs. I want to live there for the rest of my life, and I'd like the relationship with the neighbours to be good.
but at the new place I walked around to all of the adjacent homes and gave them some fresh and pickled quail eggs. I want to live there for the rest of my life, and I'd like the relationship with the neighbours to be good.
This, exactly!

We may not hang out with our neighbors, but if the SHTF, we all know that everyone of us will help each other out in an emergency. That is priceless.

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