Things you wish you could say

I've been concerned about the lack of emphasis/lost marks/etc when it comes to due dates. I believe it is teaching the wrong thing. Not many bosses are going to put up with employees who don't get things done on time.
I feel like I'm incapable of (consistently) getting things done on time. In biology there was a quiz for each chapter, and there were a few times when I didn't even start reading a chapter until it was the evening of the "hard" due date for the corresponding quiz.
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In school and at work, it bothered me to be late with anything. Late to school or work? Wreaked my day, at least until lunch time. My teachers and bosses knew if they gave me a deadline, they could count on me.

I credit this to my mom. She told me I should never make someone wait for me. I learned two lessons from this, one was what she intended, the other one I'm sure she didn't.

I learned the value of time, and that making others wait for me because I was unprepared/lazy/not paying attention was disrespectful.

The lesson I'm sure she never meant to teach me was that my time was worth less than anyone else's. I was in my 30s before I realized that. Now I value my time as much as I value others'. Maybe more, as I get older and have less of it left.

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