Things you wish you could say

My name is not sweetie, honey, hun, baby, sugar or sweet cheeks. I did not wake up next to you and I am definitely not your pet. STOP CALLING ME THIS! What happened to being professional. Ma'am and sir are not a dirty words.
If you call a stranger baby and your significant other the same. aren't you placing them as equals ? Meaning your significant other is no better than a stranger. Hmmmm.
My name is not sweetie, honey, hun, baby, sugar or sweet cheeks. I did not wake up next to you and I am definitely not your pet. STOP CALLING ME THIS! What happened to being professional. Ma'am and sir are not a dirty words.
If you call a stranger baby and your significant other the same. aren't you placing them as equals ? Meaning your significant other is no better than a stranger. Hmmmm.
Many years ago, I was an assistant manager at a store and I had to pull one of the employees aside and tell him that "babe" was not an appropriate thing to call any woman, much less their manager.
I actually had a woman get mad I called her that when I was placing her order, because I "was implying she was an old lady" 😂. Maybe I shoulda been safe and just stuck with sir...
You can skip the names. Can I take your order, please? Will there be anything else? The Sir, Ma'am, sweetie ect.. doesn't have to be said.
if tantrums cause loss of respect from you, oh god you must have very few friends on face book then or TWITter. It seems that is all you see on those two sites.
I stay far away from those places. I'd get put in Facebook jail in a day, and after one post on Twitter everyone would hate me :)
Which I'd be perfectly content with.
My name is not sweetie, honey, hun, baby, sugar or sweet cheeks. I did not wake up next to you and I am definitely not your pet. STOP CALLING ME THIS! What happened to being professional. Ma'am and sir are not a dirty words.
If you call a stranger baby and your significant other the same. aren't you placing them as equals ? Meaning your significant other is no better than a stranger. Hmmmm.
Here, in New Orleans. @STACEYH We address everyone as Ma'am and Sir. We also address most people (even strangers) as darling, baby, my baby, honey, sweetie, etc. We also hug people we don't know who seem to be in distress. I guess we are just weird that way. OH and we kiss everyone we know. :lau :love
My name is not sweetie, honey, hun, baby, sugar or sweet cheeks. I did not wake up next to you and I am definitely not your pet. STOP CALLING ME THIS! What happened to being professional. Ma'am and sir are not a dirty words.
If you call a stranger baby and your significant other the same. aren't you placing them as equals ? Meaning your significant other is no better than a stranger. Hmmmm.
Everyone talks like that here in the South 🤷‍♀️
I guess it's just a southern thing, but it's usually seen as being friendly and polite.
Everyone talks like that here in the South 🤷‍♀️
I guess it's just a southern thing, but it's usually seen as being friendly and polite.
It is not just a southern thing. I lived in Tenn. I have been in most states, it is all over. When your doctor walks in the exam room and says "What seems to be the matter sweetheart?" Your reply is "I feel uncomfortable with you calling me a pet name." Their reply " Okay, babe." No! Again I did not sleep with you and I am not your dog, cat or chicken. Being professional is not a bad thing.

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