Things you wish you could say

You can skip the names. Can I take your order, please? Will there be anything else? The Sir, Ma'am, sweetie ect.. doesn't have to be said.
Yeah, except at least where I'm from, a "yes Ma'am or yes sir' is usually liked more than just "yep" or "you've got it."

Though I've also been sneered at that "y'all" is a rude way to talk.

It's just words, and it's literally how I speak, but people act like I'm spitting on their baby sometimes
It is not just a southern thing. I lived in Tenn. I have been in most states, it is all over. When your doctor walks in the exam room and says "What seems to be the matter sweetheart?" Your reply is "I feel uncomfortable with you calling me a pet name." Their reply " Okay, babe." No! Again I did not sleep with you and I am not your dog, cat or chicken. Being professional is not a bad thing.
This is kind of weird to me. I've only had people call me stuff like that very rarely, and never a professional like a doctor.
Well as a nurse in New Orleans, those terms are used in the hospital here all the time. Here it would be considered rude to call someone by their given name. Here we say, "Good Morning, Mr./Ms. Soandso". When I was working in California, I was called down for being too formal and instructed to call patients by their first names.
Different places, different customs.
My name is not sweetie, honey, hun, baby, sugar or sweet cheeks. I did not wake up next to you and I am definitely not your pet. STOP CALLING ME THIS! What happened to being professional. Ma'am and sir are not a dirty words.
If you call a stranger baby and your significant other the same. aren't you placing them as equals ? Meaning your significant other is no better than a stranger. Hmmmm.

I actually had a woman get mad I called her that when I was placing her order, because I "was implying she was an old lady" 😂. Maybe I shoulda been safe and just stuck with sir...

Here, in New Orleans. @STACEYH We address everyone as Ma'am and Sir. We also address most people (even strangers) as darling, baby, my baby, honey, sweetie, etc. We also hug people we don't know who seem to be in distress. I guess we are just weird that way. OH and we kiss everyone we know. :lau :love
I work with young people who call everyone hun, sweet, etc.
I get "mam" once in awhile and I'm fine with it. But, a younger co-worker is always like "you just got mammed". It doesn't bother me.
But, my son was in the Marines. Everyone is either mam or sir. I was raised by Navy grandparents - you better believe mam and sir were in my vocabulary.
Most days, though I just say thanks and your welcome - no formalities involved. Definitely no kissing, hugging, etc ... don't touch me - not even on the shoulder. 😆
Well as a nurse in New Orleans, those terms are used in the hospital here all the time. Here it would be considered rude to call someone by their given name. Here we say, "Good Morning, Mr./Ms. Soandso". When I was working in California, I was called down for being too formal and instructed to call patients by their first names.
Different places, different customs.
I worked in a private school all of us were called by our first names. Sometimes I was even called Mom by my students. 😁
I don't give a rats grommit what you call me as long as you don't call me late for dinner !

Sometimes people need to take the stick out of their azzis and just relax. Everyone gets so uptight over names, pronouns, bla bla puke. it's just little childish ways to play power games on each other, control freak garbage IMO.

Yes sometimes people say things and it's done in a disrespectful manner, other times it's really innocent and the hissy fit is people trying to wave their victim card high and mighty. Why do you assume that because someone called you sweetheart, it's because they pretended to sleep with you? You demand that he respect you, ok fine, but can't you give a little respect too, or perhaps the benefit of the doubt and not immediately run to, I didn't sleep with you pervert!!

Walking around with that kind of attitude all day and you are going to find people calling you a lot of other names on the opposite end of the spectrum from sweetie.

Just saying.
Well, let said person cook their own meals for a bit, or do their own laundry, and when they complain tell them, well you said I was lazy, I just made sure to live up to YOUR expectations. I wouldn't want to do the dishes now and have you think I was being lazy, at being lazy now would I?

Or better yet, a simple GFY works too :p


Edit: and the gfy can work in other places too if said person is your SO and wants 'something' gfy, im too lazy to do that too...
I've tried to make said person do their own stuff. But, then I'm the one in trouble because I don't do anything apparently. It's a never ending vicious cycle. I'd admit, I don't do everything I should be doing inside but that's because I've got outside jobs to do, and said person wouldn't be caught dead doing them.

No, not my SO but that'd work if it was.

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