Things you wish you could say

Like I said, the snowflakes look for any thing they can to cry victim and hoist the superiority card on whomever they can. Most of this ignorance comes from certain places too. Then people from those places get all upset when people from everywhere else don't really want them around with their idealisms.

BTW Foghorn Leghorn is racist too according to the brain damaged, because he says the word boy.

I knew a kid that his family called him boy all the time - they never used another name. I never asked if he had any other name. 🤷‍♀️
BTW Foghorn Leghorn is racist too according to the brain damaged, because he says the word boy.

This is ridiculous.
Do people not understand Foghorn Leghorn is just an actor playing a part and reading scripted lines?
He is trying to make a living like the rest of us. Just because he played a racist on TV doesn't make him a racist.
Does the same apply to Carroll O'Connor for playing Archie Bunker?
IMO Foghorn Leghorn has been singled out because he's a Leghorn. You talk about people being racist. These snowflakes should spend some time with the rooster before jumping to conclusions.
Foghorn Leghorn is nothing like the character he plays.
End of rant.
This is ridiculous.
Do people not understand Foghorn Leghorn is just an actor playing a part and reading scripted lines?
He is trying to make a living like the rest of us. Just because he played a racist on TV doesn't make him a racist.
Does the same apply to Carroll O'Connor for playing Archie Bunker?
IMO Foghorn Leghorn has been singled out because he's a Leghorn. You talk about people being racist. These snowflakes should spend some time with the rooster before jumping to conclusions.
Foghorn Leghorn is nothing like the character he plays.
End of rant.
If he was a Bantam Cochin I feel the rant wouldn't have happened... 😒

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