Things you wish you could say

Jim Carrey Ok GIF
I do more around this house before you get your ass moving in the morning than you do in a month. Coming out and finding a mess that you have no intention of cleaning up unless your nose is rubbed in it puts me in a crappy situation.

I can rub your nose in it and make you clean it up. This means that you get butt hurt (lose), I get pissed off (lose) and your wife (who I like) gets mad because you're butt hurt (lose).

I can just clean it up and get pissed off (lose). This is why I often just clean up after your sorry @**. Only one person loses instead of three, but it builds up. I'll miss your wife when you two move out next week, but I won't miss you.

Looks like a dish someone was washing a glass pipe with 151 on. What kind of mess were they leaving? Might not be bad to clean up !! :p

They are gone soon, so leave it be is probably best, BUT otherwise, tell the person in no uncertain terms, I am not your slave nor your mommy, clean your own damned mess up because next time I have to clean it up im throwing it all into YOUR bed and if you are still in that bed, then so be it dirt bag.

just saying.
Looks like a dish someone was washing a glass pipe with 151 on. What kind of mess were they leaving? Might not be bad to clean up !! :p

They are gone soon, so leave it be is probably best, BUT otherwise, tell the person in no uncertain terms, I am not your slave nor your mommy, clean your own damned mess up because next time I have to clean it up im throwing it all into YOUR bed and if you are still in that bed, then so be it dirt bag.

just saying.
Don't forget to leave what ever may be in those dishes in there when you throw them in the bed. :sick :celebrate
Looks like a dish someone was washing a glass pipe with 151 on. What kind of mess were they leaving? Might not be bad to clean up !! :p

They are gone soon, so leave it be is probably best, BUT otherwise, tell the person in no uncertain terms, I am not your slave nor your mommy, clean your own damned mess up because next time I have to clean it up im throwing it all into YOUR bed and if you are still in that bed, then so be it dirt bag.

just saying.
That picture was of my stove top after her boiled pasta. He lets it boil over every time. I've made him clean it up in the past, but he says that he "didn't notice" as his excuse.

His idea of cooking is boiling two boxes of pasta and throwing a jar of pesto over it.

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