Things you wish you could say

Mine is usually pretty messy but very readable still. My dad’s no way 🤣 also I do intermix capitals and lowercase for some reason hah always have but I size them the same except when it needs it? Is cursive actually better than print for remembering etc. or just handwriting in general compared to typing?
For me, just writing it down makes a big difference. My notes are often a jumble of script and print. ( I guess I WAS changing the subject some) :oops:
my writing is horrible, i honestly try to type whenever possible, and if I do have to take notes, i print rather than use cursive. Another thing that I am SURE did not help at all, spending 21 years in the Navy, as the Engineering officer, you'd have to authorize equipment tag outs, so are signing your name, sometimes hundreds of times a day, oh yes, your cursive and sig got VERY sloppy and rushed and unreadable. It's basically a half second epileptic seizure with a pen :p After time it was more of a joke, Id scritch a curvy as on the page, and say, there, you seen me write it, so witness it and sign my name for me :D

Edit: thank you for the link Bonkerelli, good article

For me, just writing it down makes a big difference. My notes are often a jumble of script and print. ( I guess I WAS changing the subject some) :oops:
Ah that makes sense! I had this study class thing once that said the best way to remember was to write it, say it, and read it. Cause then you had the visual, the audio, and the physical. And they also said if you say something three times in a row or within a certain time period or whatever then you remember it more as well. All of which turned out true for me, I’d repeat it three times and remember it way more. I’d also highlight sometimes instead of writing. I think they said you could do that too. Just as long as it was physical, verbal, and visual. But yeah. It was really helpful for school and studying hahah
Typing/printing 'I Love You' just isn't right.
For me it’s the opposite. I used to take FOREVER to try to sign perfectly in cursive. Now it’s faster than it was but that’s only cause I gave up on making it perfect 🤣 even notes and stuff, print is much easier.
Try writing a handwritten letter in print. Excruciating. Let me add - the older you get, the less perfect your handwriting gets. It's much easier writing than printing when you have arthritis too. 😁

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