Things you wish you could say

Mine is usually pretty messy but very readable still. My dad’s no way 🤣 also I do intermix capitals and lowercase for some reason hah always have but I size them the same except when it needs it? Is cursive actually better than print for remembering etc. or just handwriting in general compared to typing?
There are studies about handwriting and the brain and how it helps to make more of a connection to what you are writing. It fires off those synapses making connections between your right and left hemispheres.
Cursive is interesting. My dad's cursive and mine are very, very similar. I never knew the man.

I've been told that I write in 8 point block. When I was an IT instructor, I would always use print on the white board to make it as easy to read as possible. The one or two times a year I write a check, it's in cursive.
Try writing a handwritten letter in print. Excruciating. Let me add - the older you get, the less perfect your handwriting gets. It's much easier writing than printing when you have arthritis too. 😁
Oh I’ve done that many many times! LOL I used to write letters to some of my friends and also used to have to hand write essays for tests and of course with as chatty as I am it would always be pages upon pages :lau plus I sometimes used to write songs too as well as journaling etc. I’ve always preferred handwriting things lol my hand did sometimes cramp up when I was writing for like hours but I don’t really find cursive easier and it takes way longer plus I only (barely) know enough for my signature so yeah 🤣 now I mostly type.
There are studies about handwriting and the brain and how it helps to make more of a connection to what you are writing. It fires off those synapses making connections between your right and left hemispheres.
I’m curious though about whether it’s just handwritten in general or specifically cursive.
Sounds pointless, then :confused:
Good question
So, the kids never have any hand written homework to turn in then that they'd have to write, in cursive? Man do they have it made! I hated writing class.

My son hasn't had homework to turn in for a few years now. Everything is done on the Chromebook, in school. He has projects to hand in but not regular homework
Oh I’ve done that many many times! LOL I used to write letters to some of my friends and also used to have to hand write essays for tests and of course with as chatty as I am it would always be pages upon pages :lau plus I sometimes used to write songs too as well as journaling etc. I’ve always preferred handwriting things lol my hand did sometimes cramp up when I was writing for like hours but I don’t really find cursive easier and it takes way longer plus I only (barely) know enough for my signature so yeah 🤣 now I mostly type.

I’m curious though about whether it’s just handwritten in general or specifically cursive.
Due to the connections you make while using cursive, it helps to make impressions on the brain. In my experience young children who learn cursive first make an easier transition to print than the other way around. Its also much easier to think of how sounds make words because of the flowing nature of cursive so reading just becomes part of the process. There are a lot of benefits to cursive and learning it early rather than waiting until upper elementary.

There are lots of great articles out there regarding cursive vs print.

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