Things you wish you could say

For the public schools I have any experience with, the students are NOT told in advance that a fire drill will happen. I think the teachers are told, but it is meant to be a surprise for the students. So an unexpected fire drill should see the students reacting as normal (and hopefully the teachers would be experienced enough to do the right things too.)
I recall in jr & high school (80’s in So-Cal) the principal would break in over the PA system and say “sometime next month we will have a fire drill.”

One time we had the local fire station show up “on cue” with lights and sirens. Only to find out it was a full drill for teachers & staff too. Come to findout the city was doing some kind of eval for all fire stations in the same “tests.”
I recall in jr & high school (80’s in So-Cal) the principal would break in over the PA system and say “sometime next month we will have a fire drill.”
OK, the schools I know do give THAT amount of warning to students.
I know a high schooler told me there would be a fire drill "in the first week."

I thought people were talking about "It will be Monday morning" level of detail, which I have not heard of.
OK, the schools I know do give THAT amount of warning to students.
I know a high schooler told me there would be a fire drill "in the first week."

I thought people were talking about "It will be Monday morning" level of detail, which I have not heard of.
Yeah, some times “loose lips sink ships.”

Sadly, the active shooter drill has replaced the missile threats of the old Cold War days.
Sadly, the active shooter drill has replaced the missile threats of the old Cold War days.

We use the ALICE drill for active shooters in my district. It's a shame we have to worry about this stuff, but the program is good. Rather than a strict plan, it emphasizes communication and making the most appropriate decision on the fly. Teachers and students are trained to to appropriately barricade their class rooms, when/how to evacuate, pass information, and we even have topographical maps of the area with designated relay points. We've also greatly improved threat assessment to identify potential threats beforehand.

After Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Florida public schools aren't messing around.
My mom remembers in the 50's they used to do Duck and Cover here in Winnipeg. It was a real fear because we're a central transport hub in North America and the soviets could have just flown over the north pole to bomb us. Kill us and stop the flow of supplies. I don't know if it's still as valid today as it was back then, but it is a sobering thought.

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