Things you wish you could say

We had one about that size come out of the park and head for the school about 5 blocks from us a couple years ago. Keeps the coyote population down.
Oh im sure it would keep the coyote population down, along with the stray cat / stray dog pop too!

Speaking of roaches, I love how further down south, the rich people in their little gated communities. "Oh we don't have cock roaches, THOSE are Palmetto Bugs". Uh huh, ok honey, and that thing FLIES TOO !!

Picture a bug, the size of a humming bird, maybe bigger in some circumstances, flying at your face and landing in your hair. Oh but do NOT worry, it's not a roach... it's a Palmetto bug ::scream like a little girl::

The good thing though, is the girls DO love to chase and eat them when they do find them, which is really awesome when you think about it, no need to have to lay down poisons and worry who gets into it!

This was a picture from work some years ago. That's a rattlesnake.
Oh im sure it would keep the coyote population down, along with the stray cat / stray dog pop too!

Speaking of roaches, I love how further down south, the rich people in their little gated communities. "Oh we don't have cock roaches, THOSE are Palmetto Bugs". Uh huh, ok honey, and that thing FLIES TOO !!

Picture a bug, the size of a humming bird, maybe bigger in some circumstances, flying at your face and landing in your hair. Oh but do NOT worry, it's not a roach... it's a Palmetto bug ::scream like a little girl::

The good thing though, is the girls DO love to chase and eat them when they do find them, which is really awesome when you think about it, no need to have to lay down poisons and worry who gets into it!

Yes! I used to live down south. Palmetto bugs are huge flying roaches. :gig
I've never seen anyone catch and eat them though. :sick Wear lizards like earrings though, sure. :lol:
Yes! I used to live down south. Palmetto bugs are huge flying roaches. :gig
I used to have a deal with the cockroaches.
They didn't come out during the day and I didn't turn the light on at night.
Ofcourse that was with my first (starter) wife. You could eat off her kitchen floor.
(Bread behind the fridge, ketchup in the corner...)
I used to have a deal with the cockroaches.
They didn't come out during the day and I didn't turn the light on at night.
Ofcourse that was with my first (starter) wife. You could eat off her kitchen floor.
(Bread behind the fridge, ketchup in the corner...)
When I was younger, I woke up in my bed with a "plametto" bug stating me in the face. I jumped up and screamed. I sware that thing followed me! 🤣
What's worse is, you stomp on them, lift your foot,... they flip you off, and limp away, angry. But they DO seem to fly at you though!! You walk into the room, there is YOU and the bug in the middle of the floor and you just turned the light on. Out of the remaining 364 Degrees of direction it could travel, NOPE, it has to come straight at YOU !!

What's equally as disgusting is, sleeping at someone's house, and waking up in the middle of the night, to the pitter patter of little feet, ..... all 6 of them.... stomping across your leg.

Fact: this situation occurred yesterday as the guy was buying an old generator I had for sale….

After his story the physics side of my brain was getting all kinds of “No. Wait - Just no…. That’s not realistically plausible dude. Sorry. Nope!”

Meanwhile, as he was telling me this braggadocio story- so thankful my mask was on and so was the sunglasses (me facing the sun at that moment)…. All I did was nod every so often.

What I wanted to say: “Dude, the physics of that even just doesn’t add up at all! No it doesn’t! A brick, a very Tall brick like the truck your describing just doesn’t have the realistic ability to reach that speed, pulling that bumper pull trailer with that sport Harley- on your run to Galveston for “bike week” back then…. No, Just No! 169MPH???! Noooohhhhhhhh, it just doesn’t add up. The physics… just stop!

/end rant…… for now….

/end of line

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