Things you wish you could say


No, Karen, You're not entitled to complain because something isn't going your way when everyone else is totally fine with the situation. Get back in your cart and wait your turn.
(entitled woman complaining because 5 groups of golfers ahead of her let a group of kids playing soccer golf cut the line to the tee box because 1. they asked politely and 2. they will move WAY faster than the golfers and not be in the way. Even her husbnand told them it was cool, but SHE wanted to complain because SHE took offense.)
yes your dog ate my chickens, because your dog is crazy and untrained, it has nothing to do with my dog. please pay for your dogs damages and stop telling me my dog is "bad" and "doesn't listen" my dog never did anything to you.
No offense for calling you out directly here. I am so sorry to see this. My friend went through exactly the same thing, neighbors dog tore up the fence, got in, and killed his 6 guineah's. The owner basically said, well dogs will be dogs and actually laughed. Ended up getting the Sherriff's office involved, and the city / code for the dog running loose, to get the clown to put his dog on a leash, bla bla.

Im not saying you should narc the guy out, but if he's being difficult, having that sherriff's report can go a long way towards settling things in a quick KIND manner. ie the cops tell him, you either pay for the damages your dog done or this goes in front of a judge when we press formal charges... type thing. YOU did the right thing trying to handle it like a mature adult, 1 on 1, he didn't want to be adult. Time to bump it up a notch IMO.

I hope this ends quickly for you.

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