Things you wish you could say

My boss once asked me to check with another coworker about when he'd be done with XYZ. I asked the coworker and he said, "When I'm done with it."

I asked for a little clarification. "An hour? End of day? Thursday?"


I reported this to my boss. He rolled his eyes and said, "Oh, he's in one of those moods."
Wowsers, that’s some toxicity… bummer…
Why the HELL would you email us and say we need to attend the statewide awards banquet because our daughter would be recognized, when you KNEW that she didn't meet the criteria for any of the recognition awards? Thanks for making sure she was the only girl in attendance who didn't get any awards or recognition. At least when you ignore her at the team banquet she's got friends to hang out with and she doesn't care all that much. This was an expensive banquet to attend for no reason at all, and you knew we were having to choose whether to attend this one or the normal team banquet because they were both very expensive. To say we're disappointed in your lack of common sense and your ability to look at her scores and see that she didn't qualify is a vast understatement. Gymnastics isn't cheap, and we've made a lot of sacrifices as a family to keep her on your team. Maybe we need to look at that decision again and see if we have better options.
A simple email reply to the supervisor with either screenshots or some visual documentation of said phone call that preceded the 2 emails and the time stamp of these 3 items: “5 seconds later email & email your replying to” with a question to the supervisor:

How do you suggest I “fix this situation” given the time line OR will you “fix it?”

Or I might suggest some level of snark given the trust one will have in said “supervisor.”

[edit to add: whoops, that’s not exactly in theme with this thread - sorry ‘bout this distraction folks.”]
Oh, I dealt with it. No harm done to my worker reputation. Just fricken annoyed that this one individual feels the need to email me 5 times in less than 24 hours.

I even managed not to tell their supervisor that :gig
Oh, I dealt with it. No harm done to my worker reputation. Just fricken annoyed that this one individual feels the need to email me 5 times in less than 24 hours.

I even managed not to tell their supervisor that :gig

Please leash your idiot employee before I push them down a flight of stairs.

Telling the honest truth to your boss that you are quitting because they're a terrible boss.
A younger, less tactful me did that once. I made her cry. it needed to be said, but in retrospect, I should have tempered my discussion with her instead of giving her 2 barrels of anger in the face.
A younger, less tactful me did that once. I made her cry. it needed to be said, but in retrospect, I should have tempered my discussion with her instead of giving her 2 barrels of anger in the face.
I did that too.. but she ended up getting fired by the owner and I was the only left standing.
This time around (will be quitting soon) I'll give my boss a nice resignation letter.
A younger, less tactful me did that once. I made her cry. it needed to be said, but in retrospect, I should have tempered my discussion with her instead of giving her 2 barrels of anger in the face.
This particular person ended up losing her leadership role. My exit started a mass walkout of her whole team and the company moved her into an "individual contributor" role. She is a brilliant technical engineer, but she was a terrible leader of people.
She is a brilliant technical engineer, but she was a terrible leader of people.

All too frequently companies equate people/managerial skills with technical or scientific capability. All too frequently these capabilities are directly opposed to people skills. When I retired this is the comment that I made to upper management.
All too frequently companies equate people/managerial skills with technical or scientific capability. All too frequently these capabilities are directly opposed to people skills. When I retired this is the comment that I made to upper management.
It's so true. Finding people who have a good mix of tech and people skills is like finding hen's teeth. They're worth their weight in gold.

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