Things you wish you could say

Yeah, they're adorable all right. So are puppies, and baby chicks.
And all of them are a lot of work. Sometimes the work is worth it, but it is still a lot of work.

For every baby I've ever met, I liked them better as they grew older. The toddlers are better than the babies, the schoolkids are better yet, the young adults are even better... (I like dogs and chickens better after they grow up, too.)

But that's my personal preference, not a guideline for what anyone else should choose to do in their life.
I don't think babies are adorable. To me they smell like sour milk and the sounds they make go in my ears and down my spine. I'd much rather have a kitten or a chick.
I always get the opposite. "How can you not want kids? Babies are adorable!" etc.

I've known since my teens that I never wanted children.
Yup, same here. Since I was 12.

I told my mom that I hoped she would be happy with the grandchildren my brother and sister gave her, because she wasn't going to get any from me. She said, "But you could have a sweet little girl like Jenny," who I babysat.

I said, "Yeah, but I could have a boy like Mike." (My psychopathic cousin, thankfully now deceased.)

Her answer was, "Good point." She never said another word about having kids to me.
I was assuming the kind of people that were mentioned had older kids, not newborns. And if you read my quote, I said I would cease to talk to anyone I know that said that. Considering I would know them, they would not be strangers. However, even if a stranger were to say that, it would not be someone I would want to get to know. I'm glad everything is better for you. But the child should never be blamed for the fault of the mother
If a mother or father ever told me they regretted having children, regardless of the age of the child, I would know there was something deeper that was going on. People who do or say awful things have been broken somehow, through some form of trauma, whether they admit it or realize it, or not. Healthy, whole people don't act that way. That's what I've learned over the years, and that's why I don't judge at face value. Not judging doesn't mean I accept or condone it. But I try to understand it, if I can.
If a mother or father ever told me they regretted having children, regardless of the age of the child, I would know there was something deeper that was going on. People who do or say awful things have been broken somehow, through some form of trauma, whether they admit it or realize it, or not. Healthy, whole people don't act that way. That's what I've learned over the years, and that's why I don't judge at face value. Not judging doesn't mean I accept or condone it. But I try to understand it, if I can.
Yeah, I definitely agree. I've had nasty things like that said to me about my own existence, and I've lashed out at others by saying mean things.
It happened again.....I am checking out a TSC and the same guy as last time started reading my bottle of permethrin dust. Then he looks up and
says "are you using this for mites and lice, you do know there's a natural treatment, diatomaceous earth."
I say, "yes I don't like diatomaceous earth"
He says "ok just wanted you to know that there's a all natural way to do this"
My head is screaming at him.....LISTEN, I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING! I AM NOT SOME PERSON WHO JUST BOUGHT MY FIRST CHICKS ON A WHIM! I WILL BUY WHAT I WANT AND YOU JUST SCAN IT, TAKE MY MONEY AND LET IT BE! Ugh I am so tired of having to have a lesson on things I already know every time I buy something for my chickens. Next time I'm going to get a class on feeding I guess. :barnie :mad::he🙄

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